Business Overview
Global Procurement (GP) is an organization within HP’s Technology and Operations division. Specifically, GP is responsible for managing HP’s direct spend on all non-production goods and services. The indirect spend categories can range from advertising to third-party labor and travel. Simply, GP is accountable for HP’s indirect procurement and determines what needs to be purchased in order to operate successfully around the globe.
GP services are catered towards managing the clients and suppliers’ indirect spend. Essentially, GP will source, negotiate, contract and monitor third party suppliers on behalf of the client to ensure their needs are met. In addition, GP may also act as a liaison between internal and external customers who seek additional products or services.

Global Procurement has a presence in each region across the world. However, GP’s primary hubs have been established in Malaysia, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States.

Global Procurement Leadership
The GP team consists of a team of leaders who are responsible for developing and executing GP’s overall strategy. The leaders serve as representatives for HP’s culture, which includes nurturing innovation, improving engagement, and driving success for the organization.

Culture & Careers
GP is full of seasoned and young professionals that come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds. Regardless of experience, anyone can be successful within Global Procurement as long as he or she is willing to learn and embrace innovative solutions.
In terms of career advancement, GP has significantly invested in training and career development programs. Fundamentally, the programs are designed with one thing in mind – employee growth. Since HP fosters a culture of continuous improvement, GP offers a variety of development programs for employees who wish to meet their career goals.
What does this all mean? Simply, you have the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed in one of the world’s most respected organizations. As a leading procurement organization, GP continues to support HP’s 1+ billion customers across 170+ countries.