How a Mindset Transformation Leads to Sales Success - Petru Stoleriu - Human Resources Business Partner Manager @ JTI Romania


Petru Stoleriu is a corporate Human Resources professional with many years of experience in providing outstanding programs for sales force. With an extensive hands on experience of more than 10 years in the sales field and additionally 7 years in training, Petru delivered a wide variety of trainings / workshops in Leadership, Coaching, Sales, Presentation Skills, Communication and Negotiations.

Petru developed his professional career in the sales field, starting as Merchandiser, growing in responsibilities as Sales Representatives, being promoted after 2 years as Sales Manager. In 2009, he started his career in training. Since 2015, his role grew into a strategic Human Resources Business Partner, being in charge of providing support to key stakeholders from sales department in processes related to Talent Management, Talent Development, Performance Management, Succession Planning and Recruitment.

The ability of using business experience, together with knowledge and continuous learning to address participants’ development needs, helps him in designing and delivering his programs in a way that generates enthusiasm and motivates participants to use new skills and change their behaviors.

Catalin Necea – Key Account Manager Mass Market
@ L'Oreal Romania

Catalin are o experienta profesionala de peste 13 ani, iar de 4 ani activeaza in modern trade in cadrul L’Oreal Romania ca si Key Account Manager. De-a lungul acestui timp a inteles ca cel mai de pret aspect al companiilor sunt oamenii si felul in care compania sau managerul reuseste sa creeze spiritul de echipa, ceea ce face diferenta in prezent.

O persoana determinata care a vazut oportunitatile in timp si a avut sansa de a se dezvolta cu fiecare pas facut in cariera. Ii place tot ceea ce este nou deoarece il scoate din zona de confort - modul cel mai sigur de a evolua pe plan personal/profesional