Windows Senior Architect

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Angajator: Orange
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 10.07.2016
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Orange este ceea ce suntem si ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi
    În lume sunt peste 123 de milioane de oameni pe care îi despart distanţe, care vorbesc limbi diferite şi au moduri de viaţã diferite.

    Dar toţi au ales acelaşi lucru: sã comunice aşa cum simt, sã priveascã cu deschidere şi optimism spre viitor.

    Pe toţi îi apropie Orange, indiferent dacã trãiesc în Marea Britanie, Franţa, Elveţia, Belgia, Austria, Spania, Olanda, România , Moldova, Polonia, Slovacia, Rusia, Statele Unite ale Americii, China, Coreea, Japonia, India, Vietnam, Botswana, Camerun, Republica Dominicană, Egipt, Nigeria, Guineea Ecuatorială, Guineea Conakri, Guineea Bisau, Coasta de Fildeş, Uganda, Kenia, Republica Central Africană, Madagascar, Mali, Insulele Mauritius, Caraibe, Noua Caledonie, Reunion, Senegal, Vanuatu, India, Vietnam, Iordania, Bahrein.

    Orange este brandul sub care France Telecom furnizeazã servicii de comunicaţii mobile, Internet şi televiziune. Grupul France Telecom este unul dintre liderii mondiali în servicii de telecomunicaţii, cu peste 183 de milioane de clienti pe cinci continente.

    Creativitatea, îndrãzneala, dinamismul, deschiderea, grijă pentru detalii, consecvenţa definesc Orange în tot ce face.
    Orange înseamnã cã vom schimba tiparele şi ne vom dezvolta în continuare pentru a-ţi oferi serviciile de calitate de care ai nevoie, inovaţie şi transparenţã.

    În ceea ce facem, la Orange România, vom contura în fiecare zi mai clar ce înseamnã acest univers şi care sunt beneficiile pe care le aduce.

    Te invitãm sã experimentezi Orange şi avem încredere cã împãrtãsim aceeaşi convingere: viitorul este într-adevãr senin.


    Technical skills

    Strong experience in Microsoft technology, especially Windows server (2008, 2012, 2012R2) Windows workstation (W7, W8, W10) and Active Directory
    High level of competencies in workstation ecosystem technical expertise
    Experience within large Microsoft architecture setup or administration will be appreciated
    Other technical skills appreciated:
    - configurations of MS products/software
    - development and scripting (VB, VBS, XML,.NET…)
    - image creation tools (ghost, WAIK, WDS, Win EP, MDT )
    - packaging and distribution tools (SCCM)
    - IT security
    - DNS and DHCP infrastructures
    - TCP/IP networks rules and principles

    Other skills:
    - Capacity to work in an international context, with people from other countries/cultures
    - Ability to provide analysis and synthesis, written document
    - Team working
    - Autonomy

    Languages and levels required:

    English: fluent
    French: intermediate


    - Contribute to the next version of e-buro:
    o Under the leadership of the e-buro project manager, participate in the different project phase for e-buro Windows10 implementation (think, build, run)
    o Lead the technical specification documents writing - answering functional specification from corporate business owner — as well as all architecture documents (DAT, service specification, impacted infrastructure…)
    o Lead the development of the solution according to the specifications
    o Ensure the production setup with exploitation team
    o Contribute to testing, pilot, and industrialization phases
    - Deliver the new e-buro solution in Orange countries:
    o Adapt our e-buro standardized tools to Windows10
    o Make assessment of the local environment, provide technical studies and recommendations for e-buro integration in the country information system
    o If necessary, adapt the e-buro solution to the country requirements before first implementation,
    o Help the country team to build the local solution until first test workstation will be ready
    o Train local teams
    o Give any help and technical assistance to the local team all along the project
    o make the hand-over to the Corporate Support team

    All along the project, include all technical aspects of the e-buro solution in the project, such as Authentication infrastructure, Deployment tool, Security, Mobility, Roaming.

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