Database Administrator (Oracle SQL)

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Angajator: BCR
  • Banci
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 24.03.2023
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Banca Comerciala Română (BCR), membră a Erste Group, este cel unul dintre cele mai importante grupuri financiare din România, ce oferă servicii de bancă universală, leasing, pensii private, fonduri de investiții și produse de economisire-creditare pentru locuinţe, prin intermediul reţelei naționale de sucursale și centre de afaceri.

    Misiunea BCR este de a contribui la crearea de prosperitate pentru România, sprijinind șansele tuturor la o viață mai bună și susținându-le încrederea în forțele proprii și în capacitatea de a-și atinge potențialul. Pentru aceasta, BCR investește constant în acces sigur și facil la servicii financiare, banking pe înțelesul tuturor, consiliere financiară pe termen lung și produse care respectă potențialul fiecărui client.

    BCR a creat cel mai amplu și consistent program de educație financiară din România, “Școala de Bani”, prin cursuri pentru adulți și tineri, o expoziție mobilă de educație financiară pentru copii și o platformă digitală dedicată, toate acestea prin implicarea a peste 1.000 de profesori de educație financiară, experți ai BCR.

    In perspectiva viitorului si a digitalizarii serviciilor financiare, BCR a adus în România cea mai populară platformă bancară din Europa Centrala – George – primul produs fintech oferit de o bancă din România: creat la Viena într-un hub digital, cu contribuția tinerilor IT-iști români.


    What will help you be successful:
    • University degree, preferably in technical or economical fields (Politehnica, Cibernetica);
    • A minimum of 3 years of experience in designing / developing databases;
    • Good DB knowledge: Oracle SQL, SQL Server & PostgreSQL;
    • Experience with managing Oracle Real Application Cluster and ASM; Knowledge using SQL Tuning & PL-SQL;
    • Experience in implementing and managing microservices using the OpenShift platform; Knowledge in HA configuration (data guard, failover clusters & AlwaysOn availability groups);
    • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills;
    • A very good team-oriented player that provides good communication and is able to work with tight deadlines;


    How you will contribute:
    • You shall administer and troubleshoot complex Oracle database systems and perform full database lifecycle management which includes: instalation & configuration, monitoring, patching, setting up the back-up and performance tuning for the said database (Oracle / SQL Server / PostgreSRL and MySQL);
    • You will participate in the production support activities on a 24/7 basis in order to ensure the performance tuning & troublesooting of complex queries / server performance issues;
    • You will define and implement HA, DataGuard, AlwaysOn and HACMP;
    • You shall support the configuration and maintenance of our databases for our current applications/systems and also support other database config. activities;
    • You ensure the technical support of our databases together with our development and user support teams. You will also develop contigency plans in order to make sure our databases guarantee the smooth functioning of BCR applications;
    • You will solve access problems to our DBs and also configure the layers of access granted to certain users; You will support the configuration of certain reports and also make sure that our reporting services are running as intended;

    Alte informatii

    Sounds like you'd be a good fit? Well, check out what we provide for our passionate people:
    • Attractive salary;
    • Work-life balance and flexible schedule;
    • Accessible & modern head offices in Grozavesti Area (For the time being, due to Covid-19 situation, most of us work from home);
    • The opportunity to develop yourself in one of the most important banking institutions from Central and Eastern Europe;
    • Private medical insurance; Up to 27 vacation days depending on your years of experience;
    • Days off for unexpected events;
    • Free day on your birthday; Banking and private pension benefits;
    • Flexible benefit plan through Benefit online platform.

    Your personal data is processed by BCR according with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. We perform data processing activities necessary for the conclusion of the employment contract on the legal obligation and legitimate interest. The recruitment process does not involve automated profiling or decision-making processes. You have the following rights: right to be informed, right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right to object, not being subject of an automated individual decision and to appeal to ANSPDCP or the competent courts, in case you consider it necessary. For more details please access our official website.

    Aplicand la acest anunt va exprimati acordul ca datele dvs. sa fie transmise si procesate de catre BCR. Consultati Politica de procesare a datelor personale a BCR >>

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