Noutati @ Angajatori de TOP

Hella at Angajatori de TOP Timisoara

HELLA Romania is a family of teams. They are made of individuals driven by energy and determination to be better. That is, they exceed their possibilities, and they do it every step of the way.

We are Genpact. Transformation happens here!

In Romania we are the largest employer and talent developer in the business services industry, with more than 3500 employees in our Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest offices. Reading time: 2 min

Are you looking to build your career, work with experts and have fun?

Alongside amazing colleagues and engaging work, Finastra want to help you get the best out of your career offering continuous learning and development to take your skills to the next level.

Ce a insemnat CV Experts pentru Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti 2019

In cartierul Orientarii in cariera au fost prezenti cei mai experimentati profesionisti care au contribuit la realizarea celei mai bune variante de CV, dar si la identificarea punctelor forte ale candidatilor care puteau face diferenta in interactiunea cu angajatorii la stand sau in interviu.

Cum sa fii pregatit pentru Angajatori de TOP

Cel mai mare targ de cariera - Angajatori de TOP -  devine si mai mare! Pe langa evenimentele de traditie din Timisoara si Bucuresti, am hotarat sa venim si in ajutorul candidatilor din alte orase care isi doresc mai mult de la ei.

Din culisele CV Experts - Angajatori de TOP Timisoara 2019

Participantii care au simtit ca CV-ul lor are nevoie de imbunatatiri sau au avut intrebari la care de-a lungul timpului nu gasit cele mai bune raspunsuri, au fost asteptati la standul CV Experts din cadrul Angajatori de TOP Timisoara

Angajatori de TOP devine din ce in ce mai mare!

Daca vrei ca 2020 sa fie anul tau si astepti vreun semn sa actionezi, ei bine acesta este semnul! Ia taurul de coarne si Angajatori de TOP te provoaca sa-ti depasesti limitele destramand miturile si sa ajungi in locul unde ai posibilitatea sa devii cea mai buna varianta a ta.

Exploreaza Orasul Joburilor - Vino la Angajatori de TOP

Orasul Joburilor - Angajatori de TOP isi redeschide portile pentru turistii ce cauta o destinatie unica si o calatorie personalizata ce-i va purta pe culmile carierelor lor. Reading time: 3 min

Happiness at work – myth or reality?

Besides the facilities that SGBS’ office provides (just a few hints: massage and nap room, recreation areas and so much more), they think that the place where you work should give you increased social interaction. This way, the probability to enjoy waking up to go to work will be higher. Plus, you will become more productive.

Cele mai fresh & cool oportunitati de internship

Cele mai fresh oportunitati de internship si management trainee care nu necesita experienta trecuta in domeniu. Reading time: 1 min

Dell Technologies - Creating the Future

Our journey towards a more flexible work culture started in 2009, being recognized as one of best employers encouraging work-life balance, by providing a flexible working environment. Reading time: 2min

5 Lucruri pe care le poti face la Festivalul Joburilor dar nu si la Untold

Yeeey, Festivalul Joburilor te pofteste pe taramul feeric al oportunitatilor de munca! Cine spune ca munca nu se poate transforma in distractie, se insala teribil. Fii printre participantii acestui eveniment si ai sansa celui mai misto loc de munca.