Student for Logistics - Manufacturing TSR

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Angajator: Continental
  • Internship
  • Tip job: part-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 06.05.2017
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Continental dezvoltă tehnologii și servicii inovatoare pentru mobilitatea sustenabilă și interconectată a oamenilor și a bunurilor acestora.
    Compania cu profil tehnologic fondată în 1871 oferă soluții sigure, eficiente, inteligente și accesibile pentru autovehicule, mașini, trafic și transport. Continental are în prezent peste190.000 de angajați în 58 de țări și piețe.



    With sales of €34.5 billion in 2014, Continental is among the leading automotive suppliers worldwide and currently has approximately 200,000 employees in 53 countries. The Automotive Group with its three divisions Chassis & Safety (sales of approx. €7.3 billion in 2013, roughly 36.500 employees), Powertrain (sales of approx. €6.3 billion in 2013, roughly 32,400 employees) and Interior (sales of approx. €6.6 billion in 2013, roughly 34,400 employees) achieved sales of approximately €20 billion in 2013. The Automotive Group is present in more than 170 locations worldwide. As a partner to the automotive and commercial vehicle industry, it develops and produces innovative products and systems for a modern automotive future in which cars provide individual mobility and driving pleasure consistent with driving safety, environmental responsibility, and cost-efficiency.

    If you are still a student you can find the opportunity to develop yourself in a professional environment in our logistic team. You will have the chance to gain experience by working with experienced engineers and obtain with them great results. Our intern will provide support for:

    * New projects in the Logistic Area (placing orders in SAP, maintaining database, reports preparation)
    * Material Planners department - create, review the scrap documents

    We are searching after an intern that:
    * Is enrolled in a Master program or is still in University (Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation) but his/her schedule allows him/her to work 6h/day;
    * Is fluent in English (both written and spoken);
    * Has strong functional use of Microsoft Office Excel, Word, PowerPoint;
    * Is highly organized with critical attention to details;

    * Integration Program in a professional, young & dynamic team;
    * Flexible work schedule;
    * Opportunity to grow and gain experience in a multinational company;

    Let your ideas shape the future. Take the first step and fill in the online application.

    Aplicand la acest anunt va exprimati acordul ca datele dvs. sa fie transmise si procesate de catre Continental. Consultati Politica de procesare a datelor personale a Continental >>

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