Senior .Net Engineer

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Employer: SoftServe
  • IT Software
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Cluj Napoca
  • Iasi
  • nationwide
    Updated at: 28.06.2023
    Remote work: Remote
    Short company description

    Suntem extinși la nivel global, dar și local. O echipă de 11.000+ angajați, dar totuși apropiați. Maeștri în tehnologie, dar nu ne oprim niciodată din învățat.

    Suntem o companie lider în domeniul consultanței IT și al serviciilor digitale, având o prezență puternică în 16 țări din întreaga lume.

    Timp de 30 de ani, am acumulat experiență în furnizarea de soluții digitale de top pentru diverse sectoare de afaceri, cum ar fi tehnologia de vârf, serviciile financiare, sănătate, științele vieții, comerțul cu amănuntul, energie și producție.


    2 ani de activitate

    120+ angajați

    100% muncă remote – dar poți lucra de unde îți convine: de la biroul din București, spațiile de co-working din Cluj sau din Iași.

    6 centre de excelență:  Big Data, Data Science, DevOps, Experience Design, Platforms și Solution Architecture.

    Angajăm în următoarele arii: Android Software Enginers, DevOps, .NET Software Engineer, Data Science, Platforms, Experience Design, Solution Architecture.

    Suntem predominant seniori în: Application Engineering, Data Engineering, Quality Management.

    Avem peste 1,300 de proiecte active cu clienți globali și peste 20,000 de proiecte implementate în ultimii 30 de ani.

    Partenerii noștri: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Salesforce, MuleSoft, VMware și alte peste 40 de alianțe.


    SoftServe University - propriul nostru centru de învățare cu peste 1.000 de cursuri.

    Certificări internaționale de top - plătite de companie.

    10.000 de soluții de învățare Udemy - la dispoziția ta din ziua 1.

    Parcurs clar al carierei - cu un responsabil dedicat.


    Open tech - platforma noastră de crowdsourcing.

    Open eyes - fondul nostru de caritate.

    Voluntariat - 8 acțiuni de plantare de copaci pe an în 4 orașe + acțiuni caritabile ocazionale.

    Susținerea ONG-urilor locale - MagiCAMP, Asociația Creștem România Împreună, Asociația

    Consiliul Național Român pentru Refugiați.


    WE ARE

    SoftServe is a global digital solutions company founded in 1993 and has been operating in Eastern Europe since 2014.

    Today SoftServians work on 1,100+ projects with clients in the USA, Europe, and APAC regions. More than 13,000 people help transform, accelerate, and optimize how our clients, including ISVs and Fortune 500 companies do their business. In May 2022, we extended our presence to Romania and opened our first delivery center in Bucharest. We’re dedicated to growing our local community to 800 at SoftServe Romania by 2025.

    Our Client is designed to accommodate individuality, diversity, and the dynamics of the modern world. They offer a diversified range of practical lending and savings products across three customer franchises to serve consumers, businesses, and real estate professionals. Their advanced digital platform enables them to provide a differentiated proposition to an expanding customer base. The multi-channel distribution and end-to-end digital capabilities are empowered by their expert talent and partnerships with a range of leading FinTech and data providers to deliver best-in-class customer experiences.


    An experienced Software Engineer with advanced knowledge of .NET, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud practices
    Build based on Microservice technology
    Possessing the analytical mindset to propose and develop solutions
    Open-minded, flexible, responsible, and able to understand user's needs
    Ready to work with English-speaking clients; thus expanding your skill set and domain knowledge
    Showing extra advantages in

    Azure Cloud



    Technology stack: MSSQL, Azure, Python, ELT, Reporting, PowerBI, and Synapse
    Data and visualizations
    Composing the specifications of software requirements
    Detecting and eliminating inconsistencies between application logic parts of the software
    Developing reports on MS Reporting Services
    Building data integration solution using MS Integration Service in order to implement a new system
    Developing stored procedure interfaces

    Other info


    Support your technical and personal growth — we have a dedicated career plan for all roles in our company
    Give you access to experienced specialists willing to share their knowledge
    Care about your individual initiatives — we are open to them, just come and share your ideas

    Enjoy our many benefits, like

    25 paid holiday days during the year
    Consistent monthly Edenred Benefit budget
    Expert communities, paid certifications, and professional events
    SoftServe University and 10,000+ learning options from Udemy

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