Procurement Reporting Analyst

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Angajator: Allianz Services
  • Altele
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 25.05.2023
    Remote work: On-site

    Allianz Services is proud to serve and be part of Allianz Group, one of the world's leading insurers and asset managers. Our strong global footprint, with around 5500 employees located across eight countries and four continents, enables us to unlock the full potential towards driving a superior client experience within Allianz Group.
    We are Actuaries, Business Analysts, Finance Experts, Consulting Managers, HR People, Communication Professionals; Operation Engineers and Insurers; we are daughters and sons, mothers and fathers.
    Our people are what matter most, rooted in our values, and we strive to continuously evolve, improve, and create a superior client experience while contributing successfully to the transformation of Allianz. Caring actively for the environment, for people, and for our customers is what makes us a great place to work and together we are shaping a better and more caring tomorrow.  


    • Overseeing the complete data lifecycle – from data creation and capture, to data processing and usage
    • Understanding the meaning of data, at a high-level, as well as down to specifics, such as the meaning of the data stored in fields across datasets
    • Choosing metrics for data quality measurement, depending on the nature of organizational data
    • Performing statistical tests, running data queries on large datasets to determine data quality and integrity
    • Monitoring data quality, cleaning data, fixing issues that may arise, and implementing data quality improvement plans
    • Ensuring data protection, compliance, and security, while monitoring potential risks and challenges associated with data
    • Cleaning and preparing data depending on the requirements of an analysis to ensure result accuracy.
    • Documenting data quality assurance processes
    • Adhering to best practices in data analysis and collection
    • Evaluating system performance and design, as well as its effect on data quality
    • Helping co-workers to use data as a competitive advantage and making them data literate
    • Contribute to continuous improvement efforts to enhance reporting capabilities
    • Create informative & actionable reports which highlight relevant business process inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement.
    Requirements and Skills
    •  Bachelor's degree in statistics, information management, business administration or similar.
    • General knowledge and understanding of procurement fundamentals
    • At least 5 years of working experience in data analysis and/or Procurement
    • Expert knowledge in Ariba S2C, P2P and/or Spend Visibility
    • Expert knowledge of SAP FI and/or MM modules
    • Experience in procurement – as an advantage
    • Strong IT skills, proficient MS Excel -  Excel macro programming skills are an advantage
    • Exceptional analytical and problem solving skills; Creative mindset – and the ability to approach a problem creatively
    • Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of IT systems
    • Strong analytic and conceptional skills, affinity for numbers and attention for detail
    • Knowledge of best practices in data analysis
    • Proven passion for the data quality discipline; a strong drive for results
    • Extremely meticulous in approach to work; outstanding attention to detail
    • Talent for quickly learning new tasks
    • Good multi-tasking skills
    • Good influencing skills, strong character, team player
    • Demonstrated focus for customer satisfaction
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal
    • High proficiency in English; German skill advantageous
    Come to the Allianz side! We have attractive compensation and incentives:
    • Fixed salary compensation along with fixed benefits.
    • Flexible benefits that can be individually customized, so that they best suit your needs.
    Fixed Benefits - We place people at the core of what we do, this is why we are committed to your personal wellbeing and professional growth.
    • Additional vacation days (work tenure, Allianz tenure, special events, Paid day for child medical check-up)
    • Rewards and Recognition Program (Team Excellence Award, Anniversary Awards, Above & Beyond Awards, Thank you for your contribution!)
    • Complete training curricula available (tailored courses)
    • International Certifications (Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Prince, ITIL, IFOA, ACCA, IACCM etc.)
    • Comprehensive Leadership Programs
    • All you can learn with LinkedIn Learning!
    • German Language Courses for any level
    • All you can read with Bookster!
    • Employee Referral Program
    • Exclusive Deals & Discounts
    • Share Purchase Plan
    • Allowances for special events (Birth Allowance, Losing a Family Member)
    • Parking lot (limited parking spaces, reservation system)
    • Open cafeteria on each floor (coffee, tea, water, fruits)
    • Relaxation areas (on each floor) & Gaming area
    • Flexible working program
    FlexiBenefits - We care about the performance of our employees and we know it can only be reached by ensuring your proper work-life balance.
    • Medical services  
    • Private pension
    • Internal Tourism
    • Smart Experiences
    • Meal Tickets  
    • Transportation vouchers
    • Cultural events  
    • Telemunca
    • Gifts and giveaways
    • Donations

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