Speakers’ thoughts on Dev Talks 2015 : Part 5

Hey there! We’re back with more interesting facts  we learned from our speakers. Take a moment to find out what are their opinions and expectations for Dev Talks 2015. Enjoy!

1) Why did you accept our invitation?

John Morton, Big Data and International speaker: Romania and Cluj since 2009 been on “The Corporate Radar” for bespoke software development. It contains a unique blend of inquisitive, “challenging the norm” software companies supported by a highly educated and skilled people, established academic research and innovation development centers. Dev talks gives the ideal platform to learn what is really working, how to fail fast and succeed quickly in a fast paced globalised, ubiquitous, pervasive, IT industry. I seek to learn as well as share.

Boyan Dimitrov, Platform Automation Lead at Hailo : I am very excited to attend DevTalks because I believe it is a great forum aiming to bring the latest technology trends and best practices to the development community. We all innovate in the wide spectre of the technology space and by learning from each other we can do things faster and better. At Hailo we have built some great technology and added a lot of agility and capabilities into our business and I am really looking forward sharing our experience with your audience.

Jiri Tobolka, Developer Evangelist at GoodData : I have never been in Romania and it is cool to meet new people in foreign countries and exchange the experience!

Marco van den Akker, Cloud Evangelist at ComputeNext : I strongly believe that IT and Cloud computing are driven by dev/ops. An idea can be seeded but it’s needed to be harvested by the developers and eventually the users. This show is the perfect location to learn and meet new people, also the place where you can get educated by new insights.

2) What is your message for our audience?

John Morton : I believe the IT industry is at a maturity turning point. We are moving from crawling to toddling. The digital and Information economies are driving disruption across the globe; the companies that your fathers and mothers knew, are a former shadow of themselves; or dead. What capabilities will you need? What capabilities will you need in your organisation? Are these tools right? Are the methods right?

Boyan Dimitrov : My message is that we live in a very fast paced world and if we want to succeed in our business endeavours, we need to execute quickly, be reactive and agile. Only the businesses that manage to embed this in their culture will emerge as winners.

Jiri Tobolka : Are you sure you have bigdata?

Marco van den Akker : The key message is the History, Current and Future of Cloud add utility. How the IT will be glued together with the use of API’s.

3) How will the future look for developers in 2015 -2016?

John Morton : 2015 to 2016 is a time for frustration and confusion for many developers, managers and business companies. Companies haven’t worked out what they need and are commissioning projects to check what does and doesn’t work. IOT , Big Data Analytics, cyber drive new conflicting and competing processes and patterns. The old and new are leading separate lives. There are already failures, delays to business success as new skills (some say forgotten skills) emerge. Towards 2020, will see a different emphasis, Devops (should it be OpsDev?) different roles and different ways of working bringing new engagement (not experience).

Boyan Dimitrov : I believe this year we will see a lot more organisations adopting the cloud and changing their software delivery strategies taking on more agile approaches. I think the developer community is in a great place to help with this transition and feed back best practices back to the business. At the same time there will be a lot of learning involved because significant progress has been made in terms of application architecture, deployment and instrumentation strategies.

Jiri Tobolka : Future is great! A lot of new technologies that help people to make decisions and focus on the top priority tasks…

Marco van den Akker: API’s wil be the key driver for dev/ops. Each coder will build his own architecture but it will be needed to communicate with different architectures.

We’ll keep the updates coming, so stay tuned!

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