#13094 - Foreign Language Agent - Hindi (remote/part time)

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View all jobs #13094 - Foreign Language Agent - Hindi (remote/part time) active on Hipo.ro

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Employer: QualiTest Romania
  • Quality Control
  • Customer Support - Client Service
  • Job type: part-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 29.05.2024
    Remote work: Remote
    Short company description

    Qualitest is the world’s largest pureplay QA company. Our quality engineers align with our customers to understand their business needs and figure out the problems inside a system or website. Every day with Qualitest is an opportunity to innovate, grow and change.


    Responsibilities also include reviewing the work of team members, providing insightful feedback to ensure quality control, and actively participating in maintaining or increasing project velocity over time.

    High level of proficiency in English and almost native/local level proficiency in Hindi.
    Proven experience in executing language-specific tasks with a focus on maintaining quality and velocity.
    Ability to review and provide constructive feedback on the work of other language-specific resources.
    Collaborative and agile mindset with effective communication and problem-solving skills.


    Provide high-quality project-specific tasks in English or Japanese without compromising velocity.
    Provide insightful and constructive feedback to enhance the quality of work produced by other language resources.
    Collaborate to address language-related challenges and contribute to the overall success of cross-functional projects.
    Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to troubleshoot complex and ambiguous issues.
    Detail-oriented with the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment.


    • Trainings
    • Courses
    • Certifications
    • Flexible work schedule
    • Laptop

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