Sales Internship

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Employer: Unilever
  • Customer Support - Client Service
  • Internship
  • Sales
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 01.01.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Short company description

    On any given day, two billion people use Unilever products to look good, feel good and get more out of life. With more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, no company touches so many people's lives in so many different ways.

    Our portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and everyday household care products. We produce world-leading brands including Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Hellmann's and Omo, alongside trusted local names such as Dero and Delikat.

    For us, sustainability is integral to how we do business. With 7 billion people on our planet, the earth's resources can be strained. This means sustainable growth is the only acceptable model of growth for our business. The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan sets out to decouple our growth from our environmental impact, while at the same time increasing our positive social impact. We believe that as a business we have a responsibility to our consumers and to the communities in which we have a presence. Around the world we invest in local economies and develop people's skills inside and outside of Unilever.


    •  Student or fresh graduate
    •  Strong analytical skills
    •  High level of attention to details
    •  Good team player
    •  Excellent Excel skills
    •  English language, upper intermediate, both written and spoken.


    - Analyse Promotions using scanning (Nielsen or ePOS data) and financial data
    - Analyse product mix using financial data, assortment reviews
    - Manages listing processes: collecting product samples, filling listing forms for partners, tracking and follow-up on listing process
    - Evaluates and follow-up orders of new product launches
    - Supports the work of Key Account Managers and Key Account Assistant

    - Prepares various price, NIV and Turnover reports
    - Prepares market evolution and category development reports (based on Nielsen & GFK data)
    - Provides support in handling invoices and financial reports
    - Records SOL reports versus competitors and vs LY, tracks offlines promos
    - Various coordination tasks with sales representatives as providing information on weekly bases
    - Participates in category management projects

    Other info

    As an Intern at Unilever, you will have the chance to contribute to our initiatives through engaging, meaningful work assignments.
    In this role, you will be responsible for analyzing costs, pricing & product mix using financial data, understanding trends & variances and evaluating new product launches.
    You will support an international Finance team and share tasks with them.
    This internship is an excellent opportunity for someone who is interested in pursuing a career in finance and wants to gain hands-on experience in a dynamic environment.

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