eXplore Tires Manufacturing Trainee - Tire Division

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Vezi toate job-urile eXplore Tires Manufacturing Trainee - Tire Division active pe Hipo.ro

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Angajator: Continental
  • Inginerie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 18.05.2021
    Remote work: On-site

    Job description

    Local functions in the Plant

    * Introduction to technologies and machines in PLT/CVT Plant - department rotation, a deeper introduction to plant operation;
    * Introduction to production processes, Rubber Technologies, Material's flow and Components in order to gain in-depth operational knowledge about the production process;
    * 4 months shopfloor experience including shift work;
    * Manufacturing/Engineering projects within the plant;
    * Rotations to other departments in order to get an insight into the collaboration of all departments;
    * Establish and maintain a network throughout the plant.

    Trainee pool in central

    * Central projects (Manufacturing/Engineering, R&D, business perspective);
    * Fulfil central training plan in order to gain technical knowledge, competencies and capabilities in the processes of the manufacturing environment and to develop an understanding of the tire business and structure;
    * Establish and maintain a network with the central departments and international trainees.

    Marketing & Sales

    * 1/2 month in one of Continental's Marketing & Sales organizations;
    * General overview about the overall M&S Strategy and the tasks & responsibilities of a M&S department;
    * 1st hand experience by working together with direct sale in a tire shop / during customer visits.

    Job requirements

    * Profound theoretical background on Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical, Electrical);
    * Intercultural experience through international internships or during semester(s) at an university abroad;
    * Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
    * Strong ability in analytical/structured thinking;
    * Fluent in English language.

    What we offer

    * Integration Program in a professional, young & dynamic team;
    * Competitive Salaries (based on performance);
    * Health & Wellness Benefits (Private Health and Life Insurance, Sport activities etc.);
    * Professional Development Opportunities (in Technical and Managerial Area);
    * Flexible Working Schedule;
    * Stability;
    * International Work Environment & Traveling;
    * Relocation Package for non-Timisoara Residents.

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