Logistic Assistent

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Angajator: GfK Romania
  • Achizitii - Logistica - Aprovizionare
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 25.05.2019
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Our world is changing fast. Consumers, users, and buyers are calling the shots. New things become possible every second. And more complicated, too. Our clients are businesses around the globe. To make the best possible decisions every day, they need to really know what is going on, now and in the future. We don't have a crystal ball, either. But we love data and science and we understand how to connect the two. We care about attention to detail and accuracy. We are digital engineers who build world-class research, powered by high technology. Because people who know best lead the way.

    This is why GfK means Growth from Knowledge.

    Lumea noastră se schimbă repede. Consumatorii, utilizatorii și cumpărătorii folosesc tot ceea ce este nou pe piata. Lucrurile noi devin posibile în fiecare secundă si fiecare secunda devine mai complicată.
    Clienții noștri sunt companii din întreaga lume si pentru a lua cele mai bune decizii în fiecare zi trebuie să știe cu adevărat ce se întâmplă, acum și în viitor. Nu avem o bol de cristal dar ne plac datele și știința și înțelegem cum sa facem legatura intre cele doua. Ne pasă de atenția acordată detaliilor și preciziei. Suntem ingineri digitali care construiesc cercetări de nivel mondial, bazate pe tehnologii de vârf.

    GfK înseamnă Growth from Knowledge / crestere prin cunoastere, iar noi, oamenii din GfK, ajutam clientii sa se dezvolte.


    - Proficiency in English
    - Basic Knowledge about Market Research
    - Proficiency on using Excel


    • Introduction and dispatching internal customer orders;
    • Ensures the interface between the company and the contracted courier company;
    • Manages and monitors scanners; tracking scanners, recovery of field scanners (measures, actions), Fan Courier logistics. He is responsible for organizing logistics activities for projects within Consumer Panel Services (materials, scanners, gifts, etc.).
    • Maintain the situation of orders / deliveries, delayed orders;
    • Dealing with sending the demographic questionnaire for the following year to the Panel Households in due time.
    • Solving problems with parcels;
    • Maintaining the relationship with service providers and products;
    • Organizes and coordinates the activity of the packaging / labels input;
    • Makes proposals for the concept, content and design of Household Panel materials (newsletters, instructions, manuals, catalogs, gift catalog, etc.). Edits materials to households, whenever requested to do so.
    • Introduces invoices monthly in Project Manager, operates inputs and outputs of gifts and / or other benefits to households.
    • Manage your Panel Gift Store monthly.
    • Monthly reports to the accounting department about gift and / or other household benefits: cost statements (postal invoices / courier / suppliers), household NPPs, entries, exits and stocks.
    • Solves problems related to gifts ordered / received by households.

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