Technical Support with German (Part-Time)

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Angajator: Temps
  • Altele
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Secretariat - Administrativ
  • Tip job: part-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Actualizat la: 09.08.2017
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Temps is the leading company providing integrated HR services and workforce solutions for white collars professionals. Founded in 2011 as part of an IT group, historically we build our core expertise for the IT&C sector. Temps capitalized the market knowledge and expended its expertise to expanding industry sectors. The company has been growing out of passion for an outstanding performance for both candidates and clients. We continuously invest in technology and process digitalization as key components for a flexible and effective service.

    What differentiates us is what makes us stronger as a team. Values are what keeps us together and define us In our efforts to achieve goals, honor commitment and create a great service experience.

    Find your next career opportunity in our list of open positions. If you’re an experienced professional, that’s wonderful. If not, that’s still ok, as long as you have enthusiasm and drive. For us, it’s not about years, it’s about attitude.


    Must be fluent both written and verbally in one of these languages AND English: French, Italian, Russian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese

    Excellent verbal and written communication skills
    Good knowledge of Windows operating systems
    Ability to work as part of a team
    Interest and experience of ‘online gaming


    ï‚· Providing customer support and technical issue resolution via email, and other electronic communications. (not a call center role no calls are taken!) ï‚· Identifying software and hardware issues, also user training issues and communicating this distinction of the three to customers and giving them solutions. ï‚· To assist in the configuration of customer's hardware and game software to connect to the Internet. ï‚· Identifying, correcting or advising on operational issues in client computer systems or video game console. ï‚· Identifying trends in customer problems and provide clear feedback based on independent testing. ï‚· Providing hints, tips, or recommendations related to video games. ï‚· Performing creation, editing, and maintenance of client accounts using company-provided software tools. ï‚· Assisting customers with application installations; configurations; installation of software updates and patches. General Customer/Technical Support
    ï‚· Provide support via email for inbound customer contacts seeking technical assistance, game play and billing queries
    ï‚· Carry out research to troubleshoot customers’ technical problems
    ï‚· Research new resolutions for addition to knowledge database
    ï‚· Perform any other duties related to technical support as and when required
    ï‚· Ensure that client escalation procedures are adhered to
    ï‚· Responsible for providing exhaustive and complete troubleshooting before escalation
    ï‚· Any other reasonable duties as directed by line manager

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