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Vezi toate job-urile ORBICO INTERNSHIP active pe Hipo.ro

Vezi toate job-urile in Fundatii - Voluntariat - ONG active pe Hipo.ro

Vezi toate job-urile in Internship active pe Hipo.ro

Vezi toate job-urile in Management Trainee active pe Hipo.ro

  • Fundatii - Voluntariat - ONG
  • Internship
  • Management Trainee
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Actualizat la: 24.06.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    We are a flexible, dynamic, strong and diverse company. A team of more than 2400 people gets involved in our company's work every day, achieving great results and progress. If you are the same as us, we invite you to join a team full of energy. 

    Orbico Group  is the leading distributor of a large number of globally known brands ranging from beauty care products through food and non-food products. We provide services of superior quality to our principals and customers bringing them business value, growth and development. Whether you are a student or a graduate, your story is successfully written. If you are at the beginning and want to take the next step towards a successful career, let us guide you! Our experienced leaders in sales, marketing, finance, people-oriented, will provide you with support to start a successful career in sales and distribution. If you are interested in the ever-evolving world of distribution and sales, you can get a chance to be in our team and start an internship at Orbico.

    Join the program if you want to gain experience in one of the following areas:

    • Sales & Marketing;
    • Supply;
    • Data science & IT;
    • HR & Finance.

    Why join the ORBICO INTERNSHIP program?
    😊We believe that positive changes begin with giving you the best opportunities to grow, learn and work in a supportive environment;
    📈 To help you progress your career, we offer training and development opportunities tailored to your goals and ambitions;
    🥇We work with some of the best-known premium brands in the world of FMCG & BEAUTY, giving you the opportunity to work every day among professional and passionate teams. A unique experience that will enhance your resume and give you a competitive edge;
    🙋🏽‍♀️You will have a chance to work with many well-known brands, participate in an exchange program to another country, and gain valuable experience with provided tools and education for your personal development;
    🤟🏽Opportunity to be proposed a full-time job after completing the internship;
    💰Beside salary, you'll have access to medical insurance, meal vouchers, monthly commissions and competitions and many other benefits that you will discover if you choose to be part of our team after completing the internship period;
    ❤️We are proud of our culture where all colleagues can feel comfortable being themselves at work and thrive in an environment far removed from stereotypes and prejudices.

    Our Orbico Internship Program is not just an opportunity, it's a transformative journey that will open doors to exciting career possibilities through internships in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo and many more.

    Orbico Internship program is for 12 months.

     In order to have a better chance to access the program, it is recommended:
    • To have finished University. If you are still a student, it will be recommended to be in the final year of study or enrolled in a Master's program;
    • To have been involved in the past in various voluntary projects, extracurricular activities, student associations or personal development projects;
    • To speak English fluently;
    • Be curious and proactive, open to learning and self-taught! 😊
    • Enjoy working with a dynamic team;
    • To like challenges, change.
    Begin THE journey where you can Go ahead. Everyday.


    3000 - 3700 RON


    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Abonament medical
    • Asigurare medicala
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Certificari/Atestate
    • Abonament Bookster
    • Discount produse companie /companii partenere
    • Plata / compensare ore suplimentare
    • Zile libere suplimentare
    • 4 day work week
    • Teambuilding-uri / excursii
    • Petreceri/evenimente companie
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Loc de parcare
    • Fun / Relax Area
    • Tichete de masa

    Aplicand la acest anunt va exprimati acordul ca datele dvs. sa fie transmise si procesate de catre INTERBRANDS ORBICO. Consultati Politica de procesare a datelor personale a INTERBRANDS ORBICO >>

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