OT/IoT Security Specialist

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Employer: Vitesco Technologies
  • Engineering
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Timisoara
  • Updated at: 17.07.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    The OT/IoT Security Specialist is part of the global VT IT Cyber Security Office. He/she drives the implementation and continuous improvement of the Vitesco IT Cyber Security Environment and supports the CSO to minimize Cyber Security risks and Cyber Security Incident response / resolution time.


    - Create Security Rules and Guidelines for OT and IoT;
    - Preparing reports and KPIs presenting cybersecurity posture;
    - Define objectives, technical work, and timeline for developing OT and IoT security architectures, roadmaps, and requirements;
    - Be responsible for projects to analyze and improve the security level in the field of production-related communication and network technology;
    - Perform cybersecurity assessments of IoT and OT environments conducting technical security tests of OT systems and IoT devices;
    - Analysis of security alerts coming from OT infrastructure and coordination of incident response activities;
    - Preparing incident reports and threat hunting activities;
    - Help engineering team to develop Threat Models that enumerate cybersecurity threats by attack surface;
    - Build relationships with program, engineering, operations, security, and CISO teams to understand how to develop plans that effectively manage Vitesco Technologies security risks;

    Knowledge needed:

    - Experience with ICS systems and ICS security industry practices with exposure to Operational technologies including experience with systems like PLC, DCS, SIS, HMI or SCADA and industrial protocols such as OPC, Modbus TCP, HART, Foundation Fieldbus;
    - Knowledge in security of IT and/or OT environments, including networks, operating systems (Windows / Linux / Android), databases or applications;

    - Knowledge of Cloud services and providers (IaaS/PaaS);
    - Comprehensive working knowledge of one or more of the following: IEC 62443/ISA 99, ISO 27001, NIST SP 800-82, CPNI Good Practice;

    - Experience deploying or supporting security practices and technologies such as risk or vulnerability assessments, antivirus software, centralized alert logging and monitoring in ICS environments;
    - Understanding of security by design principles and architecture level security concepts;
    - Ability to work independently on multiple high priority projects;
    - Strong problem-solving skills;
    - Strong written and oral communication skills in English;

    Experience needed (minimum):

    - Academic degree in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent;
    - Several years IT Experience; Several Years Cyber Security experience;
    - Advanced project management skills are necessary;
    - Functional leadership is preferable;
    - Requires a level of cultural sensitivity and the ability to manage / cooperate in multiple cultures due to global impact on VT Technolgies.

    We are Passionate about:

    • Bringing in our expertise to drive results through our Integration Program in a professional & dynamic team;
    • Fostering a company culture that stand by our employees through our medical subcription plans: medical insurance, life insurance, 1000 RON net/Year for dental services.

    We are Pioneering about:

    • Sustainability, which is at the core of our mission to power clean mobility;
    • The key scope of our business which is electrification in the automotive industry;
    • We want you to have the opportunity to work wherever is best for you:
      • Our "Mobile Work Policy" gives our employees the opportunity to achieve the best possible balance between work and their private life.

    We are Partnering about:

    • Believing in good pay for good performance by offering:
      • Competitive salaries based on performance, commitment and results;
      • 13th Salary;
      • 40 RON/net meal tickets.
    • Building an empowering working environment through our Mentorship Program ensured by experienced colleagues for a period of 6 months;
    • Cross-moving, which allows you to follow your desired professional path and align your future career with our product diversity;
    • Encouraging our employees to pursue their interests, skills, experiences and talents and we support them by: Bookster subscription, 7Card, gym memberships, discounts to our partners, trainings, growing number of vacation days, referral bonuses.

    Working Time: Full time

    Your Contact Partner: Mihai-Alexandru Toma

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