Java Fullstack Developer

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Employer: Euro-Testing Software Solutions
  • Banks - Financial Institutions
  • IT Software
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: peste 5 years of experience
  • Alt oras
  • Updated at: 21.06.2024
    Remote work: Remote
    Short company description

    Euro-Testing Software Solutions is a privately-owned software company specialized in Full-Service Software Testing, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Identification & Management, Application and Data Security, Static & Dynamic Code Analysis as well as, DevOps/DevSecOps, Robotic Process Automation, Implementation and Customization for Atlassian and Micro Focus (HPE) products.


    • 4+ years of software development experience with Java platform
    • Strong experience in programming languages and frameworks, especially for backend systems (Java or Typescript)
    • Strong experience with RESTFull APIs (Nice to have: RESTFull API design principles)
    • Worked before with: RESTFul web services, SQL, Oracle DB. Nice to have touched: Java 17, Kafka, Docker
    • Previous experience with developing web GUIs using HTML/CSS/JavaScript and frameworks like React or Angular
    • Knowledge of Software design patterns and clean code principles
    • Understanding of containerized apps from development perspective.
    • Some exposure to Continuous Integration/Delivery pipeline for cloud, including Jenkins, SonarQube, Docker, etc.
    • Responsible person for ensuring that Java best practices are adhered to.
    • Responsible person for technical design documentation
    • Quick learner and highly motivated to himself/herself abreast with latest technologies
    • Good communication skills (Must)


    We analyze, understand, and create banking applications of high complexity, in Agile environment, using tools such as:
    • Backend languages / frameworks: Java, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Apache Kafka
    • Web front-end: Typescript, React, Nrode.js, Next.js/Hapi.Js, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Javascript
    • Databases: Oracle DB, PostgreSQL, NoSQL (Cassandra, MongoDB etc.)
    • Release automation tools: Git, Gradle, Jenkins, Artifactory
    • Testing and code analysis: JUnit, Mockito, SonarQube
    • Issue tracking / wiki: Jira, Confluence
    • IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA
    • Operating systems: Windows, Linux

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