Team Leader Product Care Sheet Metal

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Angajator: Hamilton Central Europe
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Manager
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 16.05.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Hamilton Central Europe și-a început activitatea în România prin producția de componente destinate seringilor cu microlitru. Odată cu deschiderea acestui sediu, România a devenit a doua țară din Europa, după Elveția, în care Compania Hamilton desfășoară activități de producție. De altfel, Compania Hamilton este și singura companie din țară specializată în producția de componente destinate seringilor cu microlitru.

    În prezent, în fabrica din Giarmata, echipa noastră produce instrumente de precizie ridicată folosite în laboratoarele de analiză și cercetare (seringi de mare precizie, pompe, valve, ace, module de pipetare etc.), precum și accesorii pentru aparatura medicală. Produsele fabricate de către Hamilton Central Europe în Timiș sunt utilizate în piețele de profil din Europa, Asia și Africa de Sud, în mare parte în laboratoarele de cercetări științifice, laboratoarele de aplicații analitice și secții de terapie intensivă.


    Proven experience in leading production teams – at least 2 years
    Leadership skills and team oriented
    Experience in Sheet Metal fabrication – is a plus
    Technical background (mechanic)
    Technical drawing knowledge
    University degree
    Good English skills, German is a plus
    Microsoft Office and an ERP system (D365 or other)
    Well organized person, self-responsible
    Problem solving attitude, with communication skills


    Manage the human resources and machines within Sheet Metal Processing Department to achieve specific KPI’s;
    Responsible of compliance of technical specifications and work instructions in his area of responsibility;
    Responsible for the selection, evaluation, reward and motivation of subordinate staff, according to internal objectives;
    Develops and implements the training plan of subordinate employees;
    Responsible for the accuracy of ERP data specific to its area of responsibility;
    Responsible for health and safety and all the internal norms and procedures regarding the order, autonomous maintenance, cleanliness, discipline and environmental protection according to the company's procedures;
    Provide and supports the implementation of new products and processes.

    Alte informatii

    Competitive salary;
    Meal tickets of 40 lei;
    Gift tickets for Christmas, Easter, Children’s Day and Women’s Day;
    The 13th salary;
    Annual bonus according to the company performance;
    Recommendation bonus between 2500 and 6000 lei gross;
    Vacation days: 23 days/year and 1 more vacation day every two years spent in our company (up until 28 days);
    Overtime paid double;
    Daily allowance, accommodation and travel costs covered by the company for the period of activity in business trips;
    Medical services for you and your family members;
    Bonus for the purchase of glasses;
    Gym and wellness discount package;
    Transportation from Timișoara, Dumbravița, Ghiroda, Giarmata, Giroc, Chișoda, Moșnita, Bucovaț, Șag, Săcalaz, Arad;
    Flexible working hours;
    Relaxation area;
    Cafeteria with catering services;
    Free coffee for every employee;
    Free fruit of the day for every employee;
    Professional development opportunities and trainings;
    Bookster (online platform through which employees can borrow books with no charge);
    Company events.

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