Internship Financiar

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Angajator: VALEO
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: part-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 20.12.2023
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Valeo Timisoara is part of the Visibility Systems and began lighting production in September 2005, growing annually, with about 1500 employees today. Production is divided into three units: Original Equipment (OEM), Aftermarket - Service Market (AFM) and Special Products (SP).

    In our manufacturing plant, we produce front and rear lighting systems that work with the latest technology and use complex injection, coating, varnishing, metallization and assembly processes.

    Valeo is a Tech company, building the future of mobility with more than 180 plants, 60 research and development centers, and 100,000 employees in 33 countries worldwide
    Join us and be part of tomorrow’s carbon-free mobility.


    student la o facultate de profil economic

    - experinta medie in excel

    - responsabil, organizat, atent la detalii

    - sa lucreze in echipa

    - cunostinte medii de limba engleza



    - ofera suport in organizarea si arhivarea documentelor financiar-contabile
    - comunica cu echipa financiar-contabila pentru indeplinirea sarcinilor

    - raporteaza periodic statusul activitatilor sale

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