Junior Helpdesk

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Vezi toate job-urile in IT Hardware active pe Hipo.ro

Vezi toate job-urile in IT Software active pe Hipo.ro

  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 14.05.2023
    Remote work: On-site

    We are looking for a passionate colleague with experience in IT technical support, to be part оf our Helpdesk team. The ideal candidate will have good attention to details and problem analysis skills in order to solve problems efficiently. Job Responsibilities

    In this role, you will analyze and solve problems by investigating potential solutions using your troubleshooting skills. To ensure success as an IT specialist, you will be able to provide technical guidance in activities associated with identifying, prioritizing and resolving problems related to network, desktop, and/or systems hardware and software, using internal instructions. Requirements

    • Average hardware knowledge (computer configuration, diagnostics and troubleshooting); 
    • Average knowledge of software (application installations, drivers);
    • Good knowledge of Windows operating systems and Office applications; 
    • Basic knowledge of iOS and Android operating systems; 
    • Basic knowledge of computer networks; 
    • Good communication and customer service skills; 
    • Advanced level of English; 
    • Availability to work in shifts; 
    • Category B driving license.

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