Back-End Software Engineer .Net

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Angajator: Randstad Romania
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 13.05.2021
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Randstad este lider global în recrutare și gestionare de personal. Încă din 2016, suntem prezenți pe piața din România, în București și în Slatina. Având un număr de peste 130 de consultanți, peste 300 de clienți activi și minim 3000 de angajări pe an, contribuim la evoluția pieței muncii din România și ne apropiem de obiectivul nostru global de a impacta pozitiv viața profesională a oamenilor care au nevoie de un loc de muncă până în 2030.


    - at least 5 years working experience in this field;
    - experienced in designing software, e.g. know what design patterns and SOLID are and know how to write a technical design;
    - experience with Microsoft stack: .NET 4.7, C# 7.0, LINQ;
    - experience with Microsoft Azure cloud (e. g. services like App Service, Service Bus, Web Jobs, Application Insights, Storage, Azure SQL, etc.);
    - used to working with agile software development, code reviews, unit testing, UI testing, continuous integration/deployment.


    - develop software applications for medical care and (bio)medical research: clinical decision-making tools, medical workflow support and applications for scientific research;
    - the platform has been written from scratch using modern architecture techniques like microservices, CQRS and event sourcing;
    - DDD (domain-driven design) to get a thought-through domain model that closely models the business and provides us with a functional decomposition that maps to decoupled services;
    - Angular and Typescript for frontend development and C# for backend development. the platform is a multi-tenant SaaS product built using the PaaS services of Azure.

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