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Employer: Saint-Gobain Romania
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Production
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Campina
  • Ploiesti
  • Updated at: 10.09.2018
    Remote work: On-site
    Short company description

    Lider mondial în domeniul construcțiilor ușoare și durabile, Saint-Gobain proiectează, produce și distribuie materiale și servicii pentru piețele industriale și de construcții. Soluțiile sale integrate pentru renovarea clădirilor publice și private, pentru construcțiile ușoare și decarbonizarea construcțiilor și a industriei sunt dezvoltate printr-un proces continuu de inovare și oferă durabilitate și performanță. Angajamentul Grupului este ghidat de scopul său, „MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER HOME".

    În România, Saint-Gobain furnizează produse și soluții din gamele Abrasives, Glass, Pietta Glass Working, Sekurit, ISOVER, PAM, Rigips, Weber, Duraziv şi Chryso, cumulând aproximativ 2000 de angajaţi în 14 situri industriale situate în Brăneşti, Călăraşi, Ploieşti, Satu-Mare, Turda, Suceava, Vălenii de Munte, Popești Leordeni şi Ariceştii Rahtivani.

    În 2022, Saint-Gobain România a primit certificarea „Angajator de Top” pentru al 6-lea an consecutiv, datorită condiţiilor de muncă excelente oferite angajaților săi.


    Process Engineer position within Saint-Gobain Isover Company.

    • "Can do" attitude with very good communications kills ;
    • Open minded, willing to step-up ;
    • Proactive and problem solving skills;
    • Experience in manufacturing/engineering;
    • English language (Technical)-very good level;
    • Knowledge of ISO, Lean Manufacturing and problem solving;
    • Strong documentation and technical writing skills;
    • Able to plan & organize his / others work;
    • Good communication skills;
    • Skilled and experienced in monitoring H&S strategy;
    • Proficiency CAD & MS Office tools preferable;
    • The successful candidate should have a minimum of a BS Degree in Chemical Engineering and at least 5 years of related experience in an operations;
    • The preferred candidate will have held similar positions that interfaced with staff engineers, engineering contractors, craftsmen, operators, Management, vendor engineers, and sales representatives.



    • Ensure data collection & analysis regarding process parameters;
    • Ownership of all facets of the manufacturing process and quality assurance including routings, manufacturing instructions, drawings, and other process documents;
    • Applies and updates process control strategy;
    • Identifies and implements process improvements regarding efficiency, quality and material/utilities losses;
    • Evaluate and solve production problems;
    • Improve team performance through the utilization of Lean Manufacturing Principles;
    • Follow-up on planned maintenance execution;
    • Analyses spare part consumption and needs;
    • Implementation & maintenance of safety and quality standards;
    • Proactively implement quality improvements and ensures ISO standards are met;
    • Responsible for the development of routings and manufacturing instructions using manufacturing engineering practices;
    • Participate in concurrent engineering with product development staff concerning product design and tooling to ensure efficient production methods;
    • Confer with Product managers to determine product specifications and arrange for purchase of tooling, equipment, materials, and development of procedures;
    • New projects implementation;
    • Participating in risk analysis studies.

    Other info

    Whan we’re offering :
    • Learning and development opportunities ;
    • Sustainable career partnership ;
    • Great working environment ;
    • Competitive compensation and benefit package.

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