Design and Radio Transmissions Optimization Engineer

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Employer: Digi | RCS RDS
  • Engineering
  • Telecommunication
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: peste 5 years of experience
  • Updated at: 17.09.2018
    Remote work: On-site
    Short company description

    Suntem cel mai important operator din piata serviciilor integrate de comunicatii din Romania.Suntem lider pe segmentul serviciilor de televiziune si pe cel al serviciilor de internet si suntem principalul operator alternativ in furnizarea serviciilor de telefonie fixa.
    Am ajuns aici fiindca ne-am bazat pe tehnologia performanta, permanent eficientizata astfel incat sa corespunda cerintelor din ce in ce mai mari ale clientilor nostri. Ne-am bazat la fel de mult pe puternica si profesionista echipa RCS & RDS, formata din mii de oameni.
    Echipa RCS & RDS este foarte importanta pentru noi si vrem sa o extindem cu noi colegi, capabili sa ne sustina in demersul nostru de a ramane lider in piata serviciilor de telecomunicatii.


    Experience in Radio, Tx Planning and Optimization;
    Higher education degree - in engineering;
    Flexibility and desire for constant growth;
    Customer focused attitude;
    Analytical thinking;
    Driving license, B category.


    Design Radio Access Network and related backhauling solutions: location, configuration and operating parameters (settings, functionalities, features).
    Issue integration files and work orders for on air setting of Radio Access Network elements.
    Radio Access network capacity monitoring for traffic needs fulfillment.
    Constantly monitor and optimize network quality in terms of coverage and service performance.

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