HR Specialist

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Angajator: Romanian Software -
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Resurse Umane - Psihologie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 27.06.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ROMANIAN SOFTWARE digitalizeaza mediul de business romanesc de peste 23 de ani, fiind unul dintre liderii  de piata si un partener strategic pentru orice client. Peste 750 de businessuri din toata tara folosesc cu incredere, o platforma dedicata de HCM (Human Capital Management). Dezvoltata de compania Romanian Software, automatizeaza procesele de HR din orice companie: Recrutare, Administrare de personal, Pontaj electronic, Salarizare, Training, Evaluarea competentelor, Spatiul personal al angajatului, Comunicarea interna, Managementul documentelor, Bugetare, Travel – aplicatia mobila, IRIS – Asistentul virtual pentru HR.

    Complementar, ROMANIAN SOFTWARE ofera servicii de externalizare a salarizarii si administrarii de personal, consultanta legislativa in dreptul muncii si asistenta fiscala. Compania se concentreaza si pe servicii de training in domeniul resurselor umane si salarizare, oferind o baza pentru viitorii angajati sau aprofundand cunostintele pentru specialistii care deja activeaza in acest domeniu.

    In 2023, Romanian Software s-a alaturat grupului SD Worx, principalul furnizor european de solutii de resurse umane si salarizare. Cu o experienta de peste 75 de ani si increderea a peste 84.000 de organizatii din intreaga lume, SD Worx ofera solutii de resurse umane in peste 150 de tari. Ca urmare a acestei integrari, Romanian Software are acces la intreaga gama de software si servicii de salarizare si resurse umane ale SD Worx.


    Romanian Software is looking for a colleague for the position of HR Specialist.
    • Activity: hybrid
    • Office: Militari Area, Bucharest

    • Experience in the field of personnel administration - at least 4 years;
    • Knowledge of labor legislation;
    • Bachelor’s degree;
    • Knowledge of operating the MS Office package - especially .xls;
    • Analysis and synthesis skills;
    • Increased attention to details, good organization and prioritization skills.


    • Management of personnel files, both physical and electronic;
    • Data registration in the personnel administration application –;
    • Prepare the employment contracts or relevant addendums for the employment contract;
    • Presents employment contract Terms&Conditions to future new hire;
    • Issue all local employment documents throughout the life span of the employee (changes of jobs, salaries, leavings, transfers, restructuring, dismissals; termination of probation periods ; suspensions of contracts - parental leave, or any other type of leave);
    • Issuance of documents requested by employees;
    • Management of HSE processes and occupational medicine;
    • Answer specific questions related with employee employment contract Terms&Conditions and perform document signings when requested.

    Alte informatii

    • Flexible benefits package managed in the Benefit application;
    • In the month in which you celebrate your birthday, you have a paid day off and you receive a bonus, so you can relax as you like;
    • Holiday vouchers for loyalty;
    • Work from home;
    • Trainings and long-term career plan.

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