Senior Java Developer

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Angajator: HR Gold
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • IT Software
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 22.06.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    HR Gold este o companie de resurse umane ce ofera servicii de recrutare si selectie personal.

    Ne dorim sa fim un partener strategic pentru clientii nostri, sa selectam impreuna cei mai buni angajati pentru posturile disponbile. Vizam atat companii ce au un departament intern de recrutare, insa datorita volumului ridicat de posturi disponibile, externalizeaza o parte a recrutarii, cat si companiile ce nu au departament intern de recrutare.

    Totodata oferim posibilitatea potentialilor candidati ce sunt in cautarea unui loc de munca sa isi gasesca jobul dorit, luand in calcul experienta anterioara pentru posturile ce solicita acest lucru si informatiile specifice sau ii directionam pe candidatii ce sunt la inceput de drum sa isi aleaga un parcurs al carierei.


    5+ years of software development experience;
    Excellent understanding of Java ecosystem;
    Experience in building applications in more than one language;
    Good knowledge of markup languages (XML, JSON);
    Knowledge of code versioning tools;
    Knowledge of web technologies;
    Experience with agile software development;
    Understand the DevOps metrics;
    Knowledge of orchestrating / automation tools;
    Ability to multi-task and set priorities;
    Strong Communication skills;
    Strong collaboration skills.


    For our business partner, one of the major and fastest growing Romanian companies specialized in integrating complex IT&C infrastructure and security solutions, we are hiring a Senior Java Developer in Bucharest.

    What will you be doing:

    Collaborate with the client’s teams, architects and BAs to create and implement the product roadmap;
    Produce clean, testable and reusable code;
    Task decomposition and estimation;
    Develop software components and 3rd party programs;
    Peer review and mentoring;
    Successfully troubleshoot application problems, determine root cause and solve the problems;
    Troubleshoot and debug existing code;
    Work in the internal Dev-Ops team both with internal and external resources trough pair programming and code reviews;
    Contribute to all stages of SDLC;
    Design, implement, maintain as well as refactoring of applications;
    Improve the development cycle working with DevOps to optimize Git flows and CI/CD processes;
    Implement automated tests.

    Alte informatii


    Trainings (technical, soft skills, business);
    Meal vouchers;
    Private Medical Services for you that can be extended to your family;
    Free day for your birthday;
    Performance bonuses;
    Bonuses at various events throughout the year;
    Teambuilding, social events;
    Participation in dedicated conferences;
    And many more.

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