Frontend Developer

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  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 20.05.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Founded in 2010, BuildGreen was the first company in Romania to offer sustainable building consulting services and, to date, it is the leading consultant in the field of sustainable development and certification. BuildGreen provides the complete set of consulting services for the design, development and certification of sustainable buildings – from BREEAM and LEED certification services to dynamic simulation modeling, life cycle costing (LCC) and assessment (LCA), as well as full green building design support.
    Having the constant goal to provide a high-quality and professional service for the building and construction industry, BuildGreen achieved an outstanding track record in Romania: The largest portfolio of projects in the country (over 30 buildings successfully certified to date) and the highest success rate in the market (all certification processes reached the levels targeted by the clients, all certifications had a minimum Very Good/Gold level, whereas 25% of the certified projects achieved superior levels – Excellent).


    As a Front-End Developer, you will be responsible for creating the visual interface and interactive elements of a website or web application. Your primary focus will be to understand user interactions and translate them into engaging and smooth experiences. You'll collaborate with designers and back-end developers to ensure the website is optimized for speed and efficiency while maintaining high-quality graphics and responsive design.
    Your day-to-day tasks will involve turning UI/UX designs into reality, implementing responsive design principles to ensure the application works on various devices and screen sizes, and using advanced frameworks like React or Vue to create dynamic, interactive elements. Proficiency in graphics editing tools is essential to fine-tune the visual aspects, and your knowledge of CSS and HTML will be vital in crafting compelling layouts.
    In addition to the mandatory skills, familiarity with SEO principles, web accessibility standards, and performance optimization techniques will be beneficial in creating efficient, accessible, and top-ranking applications. As a Front-End Developer, your creative solutions and technical skills will directly impact the user's journey and contribute significantly to the visual and interactive aspects of web development.
    Front-End Developer Requirements:
    Experience in the field of at least 2 years Understanding of object-oriented programming and design Having a proactive working style and quality-oriented approach Passion for web performance and secure coding


    Mandatory Skills:
    Knowledge of Graphics Editing Tools for Web Applications: Proficient in tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch for creating and optimizing graphics tailored to web environments. Advanced CSS and HTML Knowledge: Deep understanding of CSS and HTML to create visually appealing, semantically structured web pages. Git: Proficient in version control using Git, understanding branches, mergers, and pull requests. Advanced Framework Knowledge, Like React or Vue: Proficient in modern JavaScript frameworks such as React or Vue.js for building interactive and efficient user interfaces. Responsive Design: Ability to create web designs that work seamlessly across various screen sizes and devices. UI/UX Experience: Strong understanding of user interface and user experience design, creating intuitive and user-friendly web applications. JSON & jQuery Knowledge: Skilled in using JSON for data interchange and jQuery for DOM manipulation and event handling. Testing and Debugging: Proficient in front-end testing and debugging practices to ensure functionality and performance. Cross-Browser Development: Experience in ensuring that applications perform consistently across various browsers.
    Preferred Skills:
    WordPress Knowledge: Experience with WordPress, understanding themes, plugins, and customizations. SQL Experience: Basic knowledge of SQL for interacting with databases. Web Accessibility Standards: Understanding of web accessibility guidelines to ensure the application is usable by as wide an audience as possible. SEO Principles: Knowledge of SEO principles to ensure the website ranks well in search engines. Performance Optimization: Skills in optimizing web pages for speed and efficiency, including understanding of caching, asynchronous loading, and resource minification.

    Alte informatii

    Carbon Tool is a new business line of BuildGreen, where we are dedicated to improving carbon footprint management through SaaS. Our platform streamlines the process for companies to effectively measure, manage, report, and reduce their carbon footprints. Our solutions are aligned with global decarbonization targets and strategies, offering not just a tool, but a pathway to a more sustainable future.
    With over 15 years of sustainability expertise fueling our approach, the team behind Carbon Tool is equipped to provide expert guidance and support. We recognize the critical nature of environmental goals and are here to ensure your business has everything it needs to meet them.
    The Carbon tool has reached a significant maturity level, thanks to our US partners' development efforts. As we aim to continue evolving the product at a sustained pace and ensure alignment with European standards and developing the local team to cover this technical requirements.


    3500 - 8000 RON


    • Abonament medical
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Tichete de masa

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