Recruitment Responsible Specialist

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Employer: leoHR
  • Human Resources - Psychology
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Sibiu
  • Updated at: 17.04.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Short company description

    leoHR furnizeaza servicii de selectie si recrutare specializata, livreaza servicii si strategii in zona de retentie prin serviciul star – Stay Interview: stayIN, servicii de consultanta in managementul resurselor umane, precum si servicii de formare profesionala / training.


    Excellent communication skills;
    Business-level proficiency in English, French is a plus;
    Minimum 3 years of HR experience , especially recruitment;
    Organized, empathetic and creative person
    Good command of Word, Excel, PowerPoint
    Communication skills, ability to work independently
    Behavioral competencies: Can do attitude, drive for results.


    Efficiency of the recruitment process to ensure the most suitable candidates for the company's vacancies, in accordance with the company culture
    Shape the profile of our ideal candidate to ensure our recruiting strategies address the right audience;
    Craft job descriptions that describe our benefits and company culture;
    Share job ads on various online channels (job boards, social media groups, professional communities);
    Continuous study of recruitment trends and their adaptation to the specifics of the company.

    Other info

    Meal tickets;
    Medical insurance;
    13th salary;
    French language training.
    Internal and international mobility.

    Monthly salary offered

    4000 - 6800 RON


    • 13th salary
    • Medical subscription
    • Trainings
    • Courses
    • Bookster subscription
    • Meal vouchers

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