Key Account Manager HoReCa

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Employer: METRO Romania
  • Customer Support - Client Service
  • Retail - Trade
  • Sales
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Constanta
  • Updated at: 08.07.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    Company Description

    Noi, la METRO, suntem campionul afacerilor independente prin cele 30 de magazine proprii si reteaua LaDoiPasi. Sustinem afacerile locale prin oferirea de solutii multichannel diversificate si dezvoltarea unor relatii solide si de lunga durata cu clientii Revanzatori si HoReCa.
    o Tnca din 1996 construim cariere de succes, iar certificarea Top Employer confirma angajamentul nostru de a tmbunatati constant experienta colegilor prin crearea unui mediu de lucru sigur si stabil, cu oportunitati de dezvoltare profesionala, inclusiv la nivel international.
    o #METROVIBE reflecta atmosfera de lucru prietenoasa si optimista! Suntem mereu cu zambetul pe buze, pregatiti sa trecem prin orice provocare tmpreuna!
    o Suntem 4000 #METROCHAMPIONS si te invitam sa afli mai multe si sa te alaturi echipei pe pagina Cariere din

    Job Description

    Are you passionate about HoReCa industry and customer service? Do you have the creative ability to identify new strategic opportunities on HoReCa market? You could be a perfect fit for HoReCa Team as a Key Account Manager HoReCa - Constanta

    Join us and you will:

    o Develop trustful relationships with HoReCa major clients;

    o Effectively prioritize and manage the customers in order to consistently meet/exceed targets;

    o Understanding and solving key customer requirements/needs;

    o Monitor KPI's derived from the company's strategic goals regarding HoReCa customers;

    o Expand the relationship with existing customers by continuously proposing new solutions that meet their objectives - customer oriented solution;

    o Develop and implement specific customer strategy, service requirements and sales initiatives for HoReCa customers;

    o Be responsible for sales, profit, process management, budget planning;

    o Develop programs and procedures, customers and employee training, establishing key strategic alliances and providing support to growing networks.

    To be successful in this role and to enjoy your morning coffee with great colleagues, you will need:

    o Strong communication, sales and negotiation skills;

    o Strong organizational and time management skills, result oriented mindset and the drive to actively monitor the implementation;

    o Knowledge about products and HoReCa business, including sourcing, payment terms, critical paths, business mechanics etc;

    o Financial and analytical skills (forecasting, profit per customer), proven capabilities in planning, organizing and managing resources;

    o Experience in working with Microsoft Office package, especially Excel functions (VLOOKUP, Pivot Table etc);

    o Fluency in English (both written and spoken);

    o Flexibility and availability in order to meet our client's needs;

    o Previous HoReCa experience it is an advantage.


    Additional Information

    Suntem pregatiti sa te antrenam si sa te recompensam ca pe un #METROCHAMPION:
    o Pranzul si vacanta sunt asigurate de noi prin tichete de masa si prima de vacanta;
    o Sanatatea ta este o prioritate pentru noi, de aceea beneficiezi de asigurare medicala privata;
    o Performanta ta este rasplatita prin bonusuri de echipa sau individuale;
    o Primesti zile suplimentare de concediu pentru diverse ocazii;
    o Ai acces la consiliere psihologica, financiara si juridica pentru tine si familia ta;
    o Ai prime de Sarbatori si pentru diferite ocazii ( Craciun, Paste, 1 Iunie);
    o Primesti bonus de recomandare pentru noi #METROCHAMPIONS pentru echipa noastra;
    o Beneficiezi de reduceri la abonamente medicale si sportive;
    o Apreciem stabilitatea si o premiem cu zile suplimentare de concediu si bonusuri de fidelitate;

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    Aplica fara CV
    Constanta, Job national

    2850 RON NET / luna


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