Transfer Pricing Manager

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Angajator: BIA Human Capital Solutions
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 09.04.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    BIA – BIA Human Capital Solutions, este in topul celor mai cunoscuti furnizori de servicii profesionale de HR din Romania. De-a lungul a peste 25 de ani de existenta, compania si-a construit un foarte bun renume datorita rezultatelor obtinute si valorii oferite clientilor. Toate aplicatiile primite in atentia noastra vor fi tratate cu maxim de confidentialitate.

    Informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal

    Datele personale puse la dispozitie de dvs. pentru a candida la aceasta pozitie vor fi prelucrate de BIA Human Capital Solutions in scopul identificarii candidatilor potriviti. Datele nu vor fi comunicate altor entitati, cu exceptia clientului pentru care BIA Human Capital Solutions desfasoara procesul de recrutare.
    Candidatii vor fi informati de catre personalul BIA Human Capital Solutions care este domeniul in care clientul isi desfasoara activitatea, cat si identitatea clientului, in masura in care aceasta nu a fost explicitata in anuntul de recrutare.

    Dupa finalizarea proiectului de recrutare, avand in vedere faptul ca BIA Human Capital Solutions este o companie de recrutare, care isi poate derula activitatea doar daca detine o baza de date de potentiali candidati, urmatoarele date personale vor fi pastrate in baza noastra de date, pentru a va tine la curent cu viitoarele pozitii ce se potrivesc profilului dumneavoastra.

    In cazul in care nu sunteti de acord, ne puteti informa prin transmiterea unui e-mail la adresele de contact de pe site-ul nostru.

    Va rugam ca inainte sa aplicati la acest anunt de recrutare sa accesati politica noastra de confidentialitate prevazuta pe site-ul nostru. In cazul in care nu sunteti de acord cu modalitatea in care va prelucram datele cu caracter personal, va rugam sa nu aplicati la acest anunt.


    BIA Human Capital Solutions is recruiting a Transfer Pricing Consultant, for an important consultancy company.

    - 2-4 years of relevant work experience in Transfer Pricing and proven team management skills;
    - Clear understanding, citation and application of the TP local and international guidelines and regulations;
    - Sound logical reasoning, problem solving and analytical skills;
    - Data management and analysis experience;
    - Excellent command of Romanian and English - both speaking and writing;
    - Very good interpersonal and team-playing skills;
    - Good client manament skills and appropriate business development skills


    - Primary responsibilities related to technical preparation of Transfer Pricing documentation files, domestic and international transfer pricing technical knowledge up-to-date
    - Responsible for the team underneath (depending on seniority), i.e., recruitment, training, delegation and review of work, evaluation and retention of juniors or seniors in the team
    - Carrying out business development activities: approaching new clients, project proposals, fee budgets, client and suppliers negotiations, etc.
    - Streamlining, improving, and constantly reviewing internal work processes for efficient projects and allocation of resources on transfer pricing projects;
    - Acting as a liaison between the client’s demands and the tasks that can be carried out by the team members;
    - Establishing weekly / monthly goals and tasks to be carried out by team members, based on complexity, urgency and technical skills required;
    - Responsible for the partial or final product delivered to the client (depending on seniority);
    - Participating or responsible for achieving the yearly budget goals of the Transfer Pricing team (depending on seniority);
    - Representing the clients in discussions with the Romanian Tax Authorities during tax audits.


    • Abonament medical
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Tichete de masa

    Aplicand la acest anunt va exprimati acordul ca datele dvs. sa fie transmise si procesate de catre BIA Human Capital Solutions. Consultati Politica de procesare a datelor personale a BIA Human Capital Solutions >>

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