I LOVE Tech Bucharest - FREE TICKETS

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Companie: I LOVE Tech
  • Inginerie
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Actualizat la: 01.04.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    I LOVE Tech Conference is coming back on March 30th 2024!
    Stay tuned for the updates!

    Do you love technology and innovation?

    I LOVE TECH Bucharest returns to support the innovations of the S.T.E.M. community and educate the next generation of technology enthusiasts. 

    Discover the leading software developers and technology decision-makers from Romania and Europe who will reveal the latest trends and innovations in science, technology, and engineering that are impacting our world. 


    The participation is 100% FREE of charge but based on registration with LIMITED places.

    Gabriel Raducu - Lead Web Engineer  @LSEG
    Juarez Barbosa Junior - Senior Java Developer Evangelist @Oracle
          Alexandru Costin Baroiu - Manager, FAAS, Assurance @EY Romania

    Alin Simina - Senior Software Engineer @BearingPoint
    Cosmin Doia - Senior Software Engineer @BearingPoint

    Mihai Mihalcea - STS Specialist
    Octavian Petre - STS Specialist
    @Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale

          Catalin Novac - Data Science and Machine Learning Lead, Petronel Paun - Data Engineering Lead 

    Andreea Carp  - Expert Software Engineer @FINASTRA
    Giovanni Laquidara - 
    Sr. Developer Advocate @Amazon

    *many more to be announced

     Where will the event take place?

    Sala Palatului, Strada Ion Campineanu 28, Bucuresti

    Be prepared to join the most exciting experience!


    Stay tuned! Let's Tech together!

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