Data Architect with French

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Angajator: Societe Generale Global Solution Centre
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 25.04.2023
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Societe Generale Global Solution Centre (SG GSC) is a business solution center for Societe Generale, one of the largest European financial groups. We provide high-quality professional services for more than 35 countries in various fields of activity – Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Information Technology, Know Your Customer, Compliance and Business Advisory. Our mission is to be a partner of choice, valued for owning, transforming and innovating through best in class talent.


    · You have good level of French and English, spoken and written, to be able to exchange with the architecture teams of CFT and with all its partners

    · You have experience and design and mapping / modeling of information systems and maybe have used one or more modeling solutions such as: MEGA-HOPEX, ARIS, SPARX EA, Rational Rose

    · You also have knowledge of Architecture, particularly in the functional and application areas and, potentially, functional knowledge in Treasury and Structural Risk domain, and Referential in particular

    We also value:

    · An experience as a Business Analyst and / or IT project manager and knowledge of banking concepts, specifically in the "Risk“, "Finance" and "Referential" business areas, would be a plus

    · Ability to work in teams and with many stakeholders: IT & Business Teams, Data Architects, MOS KEA'R, Database Administrators (many transverse partners)

    · Knowledge in data modeling (UML) is a plus


    · Support the CFT solution data architect team on project/program, application:

    oData architecture definition

    oData modeling support

    oData delivery support

    oCoordinate and contribute to data collection on regulatory request (ie : personal data collect)

    · Contribute to the definition of CFT's Data / Big Data strategy that will meet the needs of our business partners while ensuring the efficiency and stability of the IS (target architecture of our Big Data platform, use of repositories group, etc).

    · Promote the entity's data architecture standards (principles, rules, data architecture patterns, etc.).

    · Train CFT application teams (Data architects, Solution architects, Business Analysts, etc.) on CFT data architecture and modeling standards.

    · Supports the application teams and the project teams (in phase of framing and design) in the design of their data architectures and in the description and modeling of their application data and their flows.

    · Produces, from the referential of enterprise architecture, documentations and modeling forming part of the documentary corpus Projects: descriptions and modeling of the application data and flows.

    · Conduct Data studies of interest to CFT and contribute to all Group-wide Data studies coordinated by the Group Data Management Office by actively monitoring Data subjects and emerging Data / Big Data technologies.

    · Proposes evolutions of the tools, the procedures and the standards allowing to ensure the good management of the data in a context of strong transformations (Big Data, BCBS 239, GDPR)

    · Participates in the deployment of data governance within the management.

    · Communicate on Data with the CFT and Business teams via training or IT Awareness sessions organized by the Architecture department of CFT.

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