Accounts Receivable Specialist

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Angajator: GiGroup Romania
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 06.02.2023
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    We #changelives! Descoperă oportunități globale cu GI Group Holding, un pionier în servicii HR care valorizează și promovează evoluția carierei tale.

    Parte a unei echipe de peste 6700 de specialiști prezenți în 34 de țări, noi ne angajăm să dezvoltăm piața muncii prin soluții inovatoare și personalizate. Alege să lucrezi într-un mediu care apreciază valoarea personală și profesională.

    Construiește-ți cariera cu noi! Contactează-ne pentru a explora cum te putem ajuta.


    • 1-3 years accounts receivable or general accounting experience
    • knowledge of general bookkeeping procedures
    • knowledge of general accounting principals
    • knowledge of regulatory standards and compliance requirements
    • attention to detail and accuracy
    • problem analysis and problem solving skills


    • maintain up-to-date billing system
    • generate and send out the credit note invoices
    • record the bank statement in the accounting system
    • carry out billing and reporting activities according to specific deadlines
    • perform account reconciliations
    • monitor customer account details for non-payments, delayed payments and other irregularities
    • research and resolve payment discrepancies
    • investigate and resolve customer queries monitor the bad debt reserves and support the collection process
    • record fixed asset acquisitions and dispositions in the accounting system.
    • maintain fixed asset system for accounting, processing and reporting of the assets.
    • assist with month-end closing

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