Career Counseling Webinar 3 - How to prepare for an interview

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Companie: Deloitte Romania
  • Internship
  • Management Trainee
  • Resurse Umane - Psihologie
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: Student/Absolvent
  • Anunt la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 27.04.2021
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Voted the Most Desired Employer in Romania, in the Financial Services Industry, five consecutive times, in the Catalyst surveys, Deloitte Romania provides services in audit, tax, legal, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, business processes as well as technology services, through 2,000 professionals. The Regional Audit Delivery Center (RADC) provides Audit services to various Country Member Firms from Deloitte Central Europe and to their clients. The Tax & Legal Delivery Center (TLDC) offers services focused on 5 service lines: GES (Global Employer Services), Business Tax, Global Tax Center Europe, Global Trade Advisory (GTA) and Legal Center of Excellence (CoE).
    Worldwide, Deloitte serves four out of five Fortune Global 500 companies through a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories, with over 330,000 professionals. The organization is recognized among “World’s Best Workplaces™” by Great Place to Work® and Fortune and among “World’s Most Attractive Employers”, by Universum, according to 2020 surveys.

    We believe that innovation comes from contrasting disciplines, backgrounds and cultural perspectives and that the innovative solutions our people deliver have to always make an impact that matters. We celebrate individual strengths and we prioritize our people’s well-being.

    You bring the ambition, we’ll provide the opportunities.


    Daca esti student sau proaspat-absolvent si:
    • te pregatesti sa aplici la un job mult dorit si vrei sa ai cat mai multe informatii despre cum sa te pregatesti pentru un interviu astfel incat sa ai cat mai multe sanse sa il treci cu bine
    • vrei sa intrebi un recruiter despre aspecte specifice care te intereseaza legate de interviu
    • vrei sa iti clarifici de ce nu ai fost selectat in urma interviurilor pe care le-ai avut
    • esti la prima experienta de interviu si vrei sa stii la ce sa te astepti

    • te poti inscrie la webinarul sustinul de catre echipa de recrutare din Deloitte

    Cand: 14 Aprilie, ora 16.00

    Aplicarile se fac pana pe 13 Aprilie si vei primi un e-mail de confirmare cu o zi inainte de eveniment.



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