Junior Consultant within Accounting Advisory Team

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Angajator: KPMG in Romania
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Banci
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 18.03.2021
    Remote work: On-site

    We assist banks, non-banking financial institutions, investment funds and commercial companies to achieve compliance with IFRS and local GAAP accounting regulations. We cooperate with regulatory and supervisory authorities on the implementation of new IFRS regulations and on convergence projects of statutory accounting principles to IFRS.

    As part of our team, you will be involved in a diversified range of accounting advisory projects, including but not limited to preparation of IFRS and local GAAP financial statements, accounting advices on various topics, gap analysis vs. new accounting standards.

    Candidate profile

    • Bachelor’s Degree in economic field, with an excellent academic record. Master degree in Finance or Accounting would be a plus
    • be a plus 1-2 years of experience in accounting/ reporting area in a bank or in an auditing/ consulting environment;
    • Knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards;
    • ACCA qualification in progress would also be a plus;
    • Fluent written and spoken English and Romanian with focus on professional reports/ memo writing and use of appropriate business/technical language;
    • Strong knowledge and experience of standard MS Office applications;
    • Strong problem solving skills and analytical skills;
    • Is very organized and detail oriented
    • Ability to produce quality work while meeting tight deadlines;
    • Self-motivated person, with an enquiring mind, eager to acquire experience and build a career in a professional environment.
    Main responsibilities
    • Research and writing client accounting advice, both on local GAAP and IFRS;
    • Assume indicated roles in advisory projects according to your position;
    • Prepare various presentations for clients, including marketing materials and proposals;
    • Research technical topics;
    • Support the team in preparing the risk related documentation for accepting/ continuing new clients/ engagements;
    • Maintain active communication with clients to manage expectations and help ensure client satisfaction.

    Confidentiality will be ensured to protect the interests of applicants.
    Only preselected candidates will be invited to an interview.

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    3500 - 4200 RON NET / luna


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