Junior Auditor

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Employer: Deloitte Romania
  • Accounting - Finance
  • Management - Consulting
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 16.03.2021
    Remote work: On-site

    Who we're looking for

    The value of Audit begins with understanding the accuracy of a company’s financial information, which shareholders use to make vital decisions. You’ll travel to various client sites to get a detailed comprehension of their business, identify key risks and find ways to mitigate them. Each industry faces different sets of risks, so your learning curve will be very sharp, as you will be working on multiple engagements. Auditing financial statements is just the start.

    Join us if you are a final year student or a fresh graduate who:
    • Is curios, eager to learn and develop
    • Likes to take the initiative
    • Is proficient in English
    • Sees challenges as opportunities to grow
    • Enjoys working individually as well as part of a team
    • Likes to travel

    Your future role

    You’ll work closely with our clients to understand their business, the risks they face and their internal controls. But that’s just the start; you’ll also have the opportunity to:
    • audit client financials, transactions and internal control processes
    • perform data interrogation and analysis of client data
    • assist in identifying process issues and developing solutions

    What we offer

    It’s your career, your life, and your choice. Deloitte can give you the opportunity to work with some of the best professionals and explore what works for you through a variety of sources of inspiration: • Strong investment in your career and constant learning opportunities
    • Thorough & very insightful onboarding process (intensive training before working for our clients)
    • ACCA certification
    • Exposure to very diverse industries and businesses
    • Opportunity to use data analytics and complex applications to do a smart audit
    • Full-time job (undetermined period) and a friendly team
    • Opportunity to work under the guidance of more experienced colleagues (managers, senior consultants)

    We give you the means and the know-how, while you have the inspiration and enthusiasm. You're in charge of your career.  Start here and explore how far you can go. Get inspired at Deloitte!

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