Ultimele zile in care poti aplica la Workshopul When does a job offer become a Jackpot? @Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti

Companie: TELUS International
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Resurse Umane - Psihologie
  • Vanzari
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: Student/Absolvent
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Actualizat la: 28.10.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    TELUS International focuses on human connection and innovation to deliver exceptional customer service and next-gen IT consulting that wow clients and delight their customers. More than 30,000 employees around the world, from locations across North and Central America, Europe and Asia, enable over 200 million customer interactions annually via voice, email, chat and social media, across fast-growing tech, financial services and fintech, gaming, travel and hospitality, and healthcare industries.

    When does a job offer become a Jackpot?

    The labor market is in a continuous change, bringing complex challenges to both employees and employers. Candidates need more than a good salary. They want to develop, to achieve skills in order to become more valuable on the market, and a job should nowadays be seen as a partnership between the employer and the employee. Find out more about how to recognize a relevant opportunity and how to make the most of it by enrolling for the workshop When does a job offer become a Jackpot?

    Speaker: Florin HULEA- Senior Recruiter – TELUS International Europe

    Saturday, 26th October, 11:35-12:20, Room B, Sala Palatului

    Good to know:

    • Participation is free;
    • There is a limited number of 30 participants;
    • The Workshop session lasts 45 minutes;
    • You can book a seat until 23th of October;
    • Only candidates who meet the company’s requirements will receive a confirmation e-mail;
    • You can participate in one or more Workshops if they don’t overlap.
    *Prin inscrierea la acest eveniment, esti de acord ca datele tale personale sa fie folosite de Catalyst Solutions pentru a-ti permite participarea la eveniment (prin inscriere, confirmare, inregistrare la eveniment). De asemenea, intelegi si accepti termenii si conditiile Hipo.ro.

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