Back Office Representative with Spanish - Brasov

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Angajator: Computer Generated Solutions Romania
  • Altele
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Marketing
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Brasov
  • Actualizat la: 11.06.2019
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Ca angajat CGS România vei beneficia de un program de lucru flexibil, în funcție de nevoile tale, cât și vei participa la sesiuni de formare și training-uri intensive pentru a îți îmbunătăți cunoștințele și pentru a putea să îți îndeplinești cu brio atribuțiile. Te vei alătura unei echipe entuziaste și dinamice ce te va ajuta la dezvoltarea unei cariere de succes, într-un mediu fun și interactiv, înconjurat de prieteni.



    We are looking for a Review Specialist to manage and respond to reviews for Enterprises.

    Your responsibility is to maintain a strong relationship between the brand and the customer by addressing his needs and concerns left on global publishers, like Facebook, Google and Yelp.

    You should have excellent communication skills, typing skills and advanced language proficiency.

    Skills required

    o Fluent in Spanish;
    o Fast typing;
    o Investigative skills
    o Comfortable working with targets;
    o Excellent communication and soft skills;
    o Attention to details.


    • Organizing and sorting reviews using internal tools
    • Addressing all customer concerns in a concise way
    • Being fast, thoughtful and helpful when responding to customers

    We offer:
    Professional Training
    Because we believe in lifelong learning and professional development we offer:
    • One month start-up training;
    • E-courses for keeping up with the novelty factor in our jobs;
    • Subscription to an online library that will provide reading material for your areas of interest

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