Internship Software Development Engineer

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Angajator: Microsoft
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 11.07.2011
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    It’s a time of exciting change and new thinking at Microsoft. We’re focused on improving the day-to-day lives of our customers, delivering meaningful impact through ground-breaking technology and providing a truly unified experience.

    Through incredible services like OneDrive and Xbox Live powering a Mobile First, Cloud First world, we deliver a positive blend of work and play across different devices, locations and users. Across digital life, we’re reinventing productivity.

    In order to fuel this change, we need people prepared to challenge convention, question the status quo and collaborate with likeminded individuals that don’t fear failure but see it as a necessary step toward making a mark on the world.

    If shaping a better, more exciting future is what motivates you, you’ll be in good company.

    Find out more about Jobs at Microsoft Romania and apply.



    Current student in terminal year of Computer Science/Engineering, IT or a related discipline or graduate of 2010 promotion
    Broad knowledge and coding ability in at least one of the following programming languages/environments: C/C++ , C#, PHP or Java
    Excellent problem solving skills
    Good communication skills
    Passion for technology

    Location: Timisoara



    Our program begins with an in-depth induction and followed by on-the-job training and one-to-one performance reviews. Above all, you’ll do real work and have the opportunity to make a genuine impact on our business.

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