In a world made of uncertainty, economic crisis and business abandonment, Fire Credit offers to its clients an anchor based on equitable and flexible financial solutions.
Fire Credit was a natural step in the expansion strategy of the services offered by Fire Group in Eastern Europe.Iasi was not chosen by chance. Being a main cultural and academic center in Romania, it has become an important economic node for the eastern border of the European Union.
Being a well-known cultural and academic center, where the first University in the country of Romania was founded, Iasi represents the gateway to a new dimension in debt recovery services for Fire Credit. This dimension represents an efficiency triangle, where the key words are: BALANCE – ENERGY – EXAMPLE. It’s based onBALANCE between the development possibilities of Fire Credit, on the ENERGY to satisfy our partner needs being able to provide a continuous flow of the capital and on our proved EXAMPLE showing respect to all our clients.
Since 2011, Fire Credit has developed a strong and capable team, which is able to accomplish any mission from its area of expertise in the field of Debt Management and Recovery, thus being able to quickly respond to all our partners.
The team founded in Iasi allowed us to create a consistent clients portfolio, mainly represented by companies from fields such as Finances, Utilities and Retail, which are all representative at European level.

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