ING Bank Romania is part of ING Group, a global international financial institution, which offers banking services to over 38.4 million individual customers, companies or institutions in over 40 countries.


Discover ING Bank Romania

Founded in 1994, ING Bank Romania is the fourth bank in the top 10 local banks, according to assets, and the only bank with organic growth, without acquisitions of customer portfolios or other banks. ING Bank Romania is a universal bank with over 1.7 million customers in three business segments: individuals (retail), SMEs and Mid-Corporate companies and Wholesale Banking.

ING's mission is to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.


Life@ING Bank


At ING we encourage you to `do your thing`, to do more of what you love. This is also the way we articulate our promise to offer frictionless banking.

The Orange Code is our manifesto for how we stay true to our purpose: `Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.  It further unfolds in Values and Behaviours:

ING Values

  • We are honest
  • We are prudent
  • We are responsible

ING Behaviours

  • You take it on and make it happen
  • You help others to be succesful
  • You are always a step ahead


ING gives you all the scope you need to make the most of your potential, both professionally and personally. We`re happy to help you find out and give you the encouragement and support you need to grow stronger – be that in the form of a training course, coaching, internal internship or a range of other resources.

  • Flexible work schedule & remote working
  • Internal communities for an easier connection with your colleagues
  • Online recruitment & Onboarding process
  • Access to online learning resources
  • Wellbeing programmes @home
  • Open & collaborative environment
  • Early graduates’ programmes: {Dev}School & International Talent Programme

Despre ING Sales League

Sales League este o experienta de invatare aflata la cea de-a V-a editie, prin care vei descoperi specificul activitatii de vanzari in domeniul bancar, de la managementul clientilor pana la consultanta despre produse si servicii bancare.

Ce te asteapta:
  • Vei face parte dintr-o echipa de 20 de colegi curiosi sa descopere lucruri noi, la fel ca tine;
  • Vei fi alaturi de noi timp de 7 saptamani (23 octombrie 2023 – 8 decembrie 2023):
  • In primele 3 saptamani, te invitam la sediul nostru pentru sesiunile de invatare, in fiecare luni si marti intre orele 13:00-17:00;
  • In urmatoarele 4 saptamani, activitatea se va desfasura in intervalul 13:00-17:00, astfel: in zilele de luni si marti vom continua sesiunile de invatare la sediul nostru, iar de miercuri pana vineri vei face practica platita intr-un Office ING.
  • Vei avea parte de o super-experienta de cunoastere a domeniului financiar, in care:
  • Vei afla ABC-ul bancar, precum si notiuni mai complexe specifice domeniului;
  • Vei descoperi ADN-ul produselelor ING;
  • Vei invata intr-un mod interactiv cum sa comunici eficient si structurat.

Esti candidatul ideal daca:
  • Esti sociabil si comunicativ;
  • Te adaptezi usor si esti orientat spre solutii;
  • Esti student in ultimul an sau absolvent al unei facultati in domeniul economic;
  • Desi nu ai studii de profil, te atrage bankingul si esti foarte motivat sa inveti.

La finalul programului poti avea sansa de a te alatura full-time echipei dintr-un ING Office din Bucuresti!

Aplica aici si da startul unei cariere in domeniul bancar!

  Employer Ranking according to "Most Desired Employers Survey" 2024

# 4 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în București
# 8 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în România
# 11 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în Constanța
# 12 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în IT&C
# 16 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în Iași
# 20 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în Sibiu
# 27 Cei Mai Doriți Angajatori în Cluj
Bancar-Servicii financiare

Joburi ING Bank Romania:

Locuri de munca ING Bank Romania

Angajari ING Bank Romania