Certificarea Top Employer 2025: Cei mai buni angajatori din Romania conform acestei certificari
Intel is part of a complex transformation process, integrating and developing—at a fast pace—new technologies to unleash the potential of data. At the same time, we need different ways of thinking and working to achieve this transformation. We want to be customer-obsessed, results-driven, and totally fearless, operating with transparency in everything we do. Intel Romania is expanding and growing its team, all while developing the latest technologies and contributing to different strategic areas of Intel technologies and products.
Headquarters of Intel in Romania, Timisoara is the home of approximately 200 employees and is being managed by Cristian Tisan, Intel Romania Country Manager. The teams that work here are focusing on the architecture, design, and development of core components of Intel’s AI proliferation, accelerating the AI business growth for more than one business group. We participate in the development of all four superpowers of technology, that is artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, connectivity, and cloud computing.
Today, Intel introduces a significant update to its client compute branding with the launch of the new Intel® Core™ Ultra and Intel® Core™ processor brands. The new client branding begins with Intel’s upcoming Meteor Lake processors on which employees of Timisoara are focusing their work.
Learn more about our technology: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/news/2023-intel-innovation-day-1-all-news.html#gs.5rxuvx
Intel® Romania sprijina dezvoltarea mediului universitar si colaboreaza strans cu acesta prin programele academice pe care le desfasoara in parteneriat cu universitatile. Printre activitatile desfasurate de catre Centrul de Cercetare si Dezvoltare Software se numara: - implicarea in evenimente si ateliere de lucru cu studentii; - organizarea si sustinerea competitiilor studentesti pentru programare paralela si dezvoltare de proiecte open source; - extinderea programei de studiu prin cursuri si laboratoare; - participarea ca partener in proiecte de cercetare (FP7, PN2). Universitatile din Romania participa inca din anul 2009 la unul dintre cele mai ambitioase proiecte de finantare pentru ideile de afaceri ale studentilor la nivel mondial, Intel® Global Challenge, proiect organizat impreuna cu Universitatea Berkeley din Statele Unite ale Americii. La aceasta competitie participa cele mai bune echipe de studenti care se remarca in etapa regionala, Intel® Business Challenge Europe - http://www.intelchallenge.eu/. In prezent, in Centrul de Cercetare si Dezvoltare Software al Intel din Bucuresti este in desfasurare un program de stagii pentru studenti. Stagiile se adreseaza atat studentilor la licenta, cat si celor care urmeaza studii de master sau de doctorat. |
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