TEDxBucharest - 15th of October 2010

As our stomach needs food and our muscles the exercise, so do our plans for the future need the nurture and inspiration great ideas can give them. As there is a bit more unclarity on this type of food than on the bread variety at the street shop, we took the liberty to suggest to you what is often defined as inspiring, consistent and sometimes jaw-dropping food for thought: Ted Talks.

You can see some of them, more than 700 actually, online at www.ted.com . They represent a glimpse of what an offline TED like experience feels like. With speakers that draw their power equally from an idea that can shape our future and from a past track of success that defines their past, such an experience awaits you at TEDxBucharest on 15th of October.


“Today is a good day” is the main slogan of the conference, as only a good day can bring in the same room a NASA scientist, an intense actress such Oana Pellea, Andrei Rosu – the first musician that played the drums at North Pole, the best women inventor of 2009 as awarded at the Geneva convention, Catalin Stefanescu, the founder of Lazy Town and the list can go on to cover the 9 speakers with have on board so far. And more than that, only in a good day such as 15th of October can you share a lunch conversation with any of them or with one of the other smart and inquisitive people from the audience.

And because the conference is an experience created for and by the people there, the audience needs to be smart, open minded, open hearted and able to contribute to his/her success story. In order to insure that, we have an application form and a thorough process of selecting and enabling our audience. Part of that enablement are the pre-conference Community Events such as “How the mind works”, TEDxChange, TEDxWomen, TEDxYouth. You can keep contact with us on facebook and twitter. Untill we see you at one of our events, we live here you with the question :

Do you give your ideas enough food to make them strong enough to make you leave the life you really want to live?




Despre TED x Bucharest

In spiritul “ideilor care merita impartasite”, TED a creat TEDx. TEDx este o platforma de evenimente locale, organizate independent, ce aduna oameni care sa impartaseasca o experienta tip TED. Evenimentul nostru se numeste TEDxBucharest, unde x = eveniment TED organizat independent.

Despre TED

TED este o organizatie non profit devotata ideilor care merita impartasite. A inceput acum 25 de ani ca o conferinta de patru zile tinuta in California si a ajuns astazi o conferinta globala care anual invita liderii lumii sa-si prezinte ideile in 18 minute. Discursurile lor pot fi apoi accesate gratuit pe TED.com. Printre vorbitorii TED se numara si Bill Gates, Al Gore, Gane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani, Phillipe Stark, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Isabel Allende, Gordon Brown.

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