
Orase: Arad, Carei, Iasi, Sibiu, Timisoara,
Industrie: Tehnica

Continental dezvoltă tehnologii și servicii inovatoare pentru mobilitatea sustenabilă și interconectată a oamenilor și a bunurilor acestora.

Compania cu profil tehnologic fondată în 1871 oferă soluții sigure, eficiente, inteligente și accesibile pentru autovehicule, mașini, trafic și transport. Continental are în prezent peste190.000 de angajați în 58 de țări și piețe.


Dacă îţi doreşti un job provocator într-un mediu multinaţional, cu oportunităţi excelente de dezvoltare a carierei atât din punct de vedere tehnic cât şi managerial, cu tehnologie de ultimă oră, în cadul unei echipe tinere, motivate şi dinamice, îţi oferim salarii competitive şi un pachet important de beneficii. Pentru mai multe detalii vizitează site-ul nostru sau pagina de facebook.




Locaţii Continental în România

Continental Automotive Romania SRL

Str. Siemens nr. 1, 300704 Timişoara, Timiş

T. 004-0256-251-505


Continental Automotive Romania SRL

Bd. Poitiers nr. 6, 700671 Iaşi, Iaşi

T. 004-0232-307-022


Continental Automotive Systems SRL

Str. Salzburg nr. 8, 550018 Sibiu, Sibiu

T. 004-0374-334-679

Continental Automotive Products SRL

Str. Avram Imbroane nr. 9, 300129 Timişoara, Timiş

T. 004-0356-404-224

ContiTech Romania SRL

Str. Otto Rudolf nr. 4, 300522 Timişoara, Timiş

T. 004-0256-301-521


ContiTech Fluid Automotive Romania SRL

Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 125, 445100 Carei, Satu Mare

T. 004-0261-806-149


Eşti student?  Îţi oferim următoarele programe:

  • Job-uri part-time şi full-time Dacă vrei mai mult, iar cursurile, seminariile şi laboratoarele îţi lasă ceva timp, acceptă provocarea de a-ţi lansa cariera cu noi. Îţi putem oferi program de lucru flexibil, cu normă redusă în timpul semestrului şi normă întreagă în vacanţe. Click aici pentru mai multe detalii. 
  • Practică de vară - Experimentează cu noi partea practică. Click aici pentru mai multe detalii.
  • Burse private - Ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa ai rezultate bune la facultate şi să treci cu succes de procesul de selecţie. Click aici pentru mai multe detalii.
  • Proiecte de diplomă - Dacă eşti pasionat de industria auto, te putem ajuta furnizându-ţi subiecte interesante pentru lucrarea de diplomă. Click aici pentru mai multe detalii. 
  • Cursuri pe diverse domenii automotive susţinute de specialişti din cadrul companiei în universităţile partenere.
  • Vizite de companie şi workshopuri.

De ce să alegi Continental?


Aici există toate condiţiile necesare pentru a avea rezultate extraordinare

Evoluţia mea a fost interesantă : am început ca şi lăcătuş mecanic, iar pe baza cunoştinţelor dobândite încă din liceu am reuşit să evoluez, având şi suportul necesar, ca şi traininguri, ca şi pregătiri ulterioare, ceea ce a dus şi la avansare până la poziţia de Lider al Activităţii de Mentenanţă. Motivaţia: munca în echipă, rezultatele obţinute. Consider că există toate condiţiile necesare pentru a avea rezultate extraordinare.

ZOLTAN BAKOS - Timişoara
Maintenance Activity Leader


O echipă de profesioniști, tânără şi veselă

Eu fac parte din echipa de Infrastructură a departamentului IT Center Europe şi împreună cu colegii mei asigurăm coordonare și suport pentru toate diviziile și locațiile Continental din întreaga lume.

Motivaţia: Sunt permanent susţinută de superiori şi colegi şi am oportunităţi de dezvoltare. Îmi place să fac parte dintr-o echipă tânără, veselă, o echipă de profesioniști.

IT Support Engineer



La Continental am ocazia să îmi contruiesc cariera de astăzi, lucrând la produsele de mâine

Departamentul ADAS se ocupă cu viitorul autovehiculelor. Dintre proiectele noastre ambiţionase se numără şi să facem maşina complet autonomă. Motivaţia: oferta Continental a fost ca o mână întinsă în timpul studenţiei, mi s-a potrivit ca o mănuşă, şi am hotărât să îmi fac cariera aici. La Continental am avut ocazia să îmi contruiesc cariera de astăzi, lucrând la produsele de mâine.

RAZVAN JURCA – Timişoara
Hardware Team Leader




Oportunitate de a te dezvolta şi învăţa
Continental a crescut în Sibiu foarte rapid, ceea ce a ridicat multe provocări, pe care eu am ales să le înfrunt şi astfel să învăţ foarte multe lucruri. Cred că pentru a te dezvolta, este important să nu abandonezi atunci când apar greutăţi, perseverenţa fiind necesară pentru a putea evolua. Motivaţia mea principală o constituie faptul că ştiu că am contribuit la succesul companiei, prin asigurarea părţii de calitate în transferul unor linii de producţie aici şi ulterior prin proiecte de calitate complete.

ION TOMA - Sibiu
Quality Team Leader


Mediu de lucru atractiv, bazat pe creativitate și inovație


Am ales să lucrez într-o companie în care să-mi construiesc o carieră sigură, care să-mi ofere accesul la tehnologiile de ultimă generație în domeniul automotive, care să-mi ofere ocazia să călătoresc în peste 80 de țări și un mediu tânăr. Continental pune accent pe crearea unui mediu propice dezvoltării,  creativității și inovației.

 Test Engineer




Majoritatea studenților în ani terminali, se întreabă: “Și acum ce fac? Unde mă angajez?”. La Continental, am luat în cosiderare gândurile voastre și astfel am creat programe care îți vor crea o perspectivă unică și de amploare față de orice alte poziții pe care le poți ocupa ca proaspăt absolvent. Ești pregătit să creezi un impact?

Aplică la una dintre oportunitatile Trainee Programs si timp de 18 luni vei fi introdus în lumea anvelopelor,  printr-o activitate de job-rotation în toate departamentele companiei, pentru a întelege procesul de colaborare dintre acestea:


Ce presupune programul?

  • Un mentor alocat care te va ajuta să te integrezi ușor în program și în echipele de lucru;
  • Introducere în procesele de producție, tehnologiile cauciucului, fluxul materialului și componentele pentru a obține cunoștințe operaționale aprofundate despre procesul de producție;
  • Integrare și evaluare prin experiențe practice: proiecte de fabricație / inginerie în cadrul uzinei;
  • Implicare locală dar și regională prin colaborarea cu ceilalți trainee din alte locații;
  • Expunere pentru 1/2 lună la departamentul de marketing și vânzări al companiei pentru a obține un overview complex asupra business-ului și a înțelege care sunt responsabilitățile acestui departament;
  • Experiență cu vânzarea directă la un magazin de anvelope în timpul vizitelor clienților;
  • Program de lucru de 8h, dar și flexibil în funcție de nevoie;
  • În ultimele 6 luni ale programului trainee-ului îi este alocată o poziție vacantă în fabrică (în zona de producție sau calitate).

Ce avantaje ai ca și trainee în cadrul Continental?

  • Program de integrare într-o echipă profesionistă, tânără și internațională;
  • Salarii competitive (bazate pe performanță);
  • Beneficii de sanatate (asigurări private de sănătate și de viață, activități sportive etc.);
  • Oportunități de dezvoltare profesională (în domeniul tehnic și managerial);
  • Program de lucru flexibil;
  • Stabilitate;
  • Mediu de lucru internațional și posibilitatea de a călători;
  • Pachet de relocare pentru nerezidenții din Timișoara.

Nu ești convins? Uite ce au de spus colegii noștrii:


 Holingher Loredana

„Vad programul de trainee oferit de Continental ca o oportunitate mare de dezvoltare  accelerata a carierei. Programul e foarte bine structurat si ofera posibilitatea de a invata  si a livra rezultate in moduri unice. De asemenea acest program ofera o perioada de 6  luni de rotatie intre diferite arii de productie si intre diferite departamente, focusul fiind pe
intelegerea procesului si crearea conexiunilor cu angajatii Continental fara alte task-uri  paralele.”

Denis Radu

Ce mi-a plăcut la experiența de Manufacturing Trainee? Din numeroasele lucruri ce mi-au plăcut, mă opresc la următoarele două: am avut ocazia să lucrez în toate departamentele atât la nivel local, cât și la sediul din Hanovra. Este o șansă foarte bună de networking și poți cunoaște totodată foarte clar rolurile fiecărui department. Asta te ajută mult în alegerea următorilor pași în carieră la finalul programului.

De asemenea, mai mult ca sigur vei ieși din zona de confort. Provocările programului Manufacturing Trainee vin în diverse forme: proiecte locale și centrale, colaborări cu echipe formate din peste 10 nationalități. Toate aceste „challenge-uri” sunt un prielnic mod să te dezvolți pe plan profesional, dar și personal.”

Silviu Bulza

“La început m-am simțit intimidat de anvergura fabricii și a operațiunilor care au loc. În  primele luni am petrecut câte o săptămână în fiecare arie, ceea ce m-a ajutat enorm să  înteleg fluxul producției și terminologia inițial copleșitoare a activităților. După perioada  de integrare am primit propriile proiecte în cadrul fabricii, urmate apoi de un stagiu de  șase luni la sediul central de la Hanovra, alături de colegii Manufacturing trainee din alte  fabrici de anvelope din lumea Continental.”


Te-am motivat îndeajuns de mult astfel încât să aplici?

Nu mai aștepta. Aplică acum în cadrul programelor de Trainee Continental!

Aplica spontan! * Companie favorita
Daca niciunul din joburile disponibile in acest moment pe
ale aceste firme nu vi se potrivesc insa ati dori sa obtineti o
pozitie aici, puteti trimite CV-ul dvs. aplicand spontan!
Urmareste aceasta companie ca sa vezi ultimele joburi postate.

Locuri de munca Continental

Companie Oras(e) Data
Head of Plant Controlling Manufacturing TM

full-time Manager

QualificationsFinance & controlling management (including finance & controlling policies, systems and processes)Planning and forecastingCost and financial accountingSAP R/3 knowledge and usageTotal Cost ManagementManagement skills, to[..]

Continental Timisoara
SAFEGUARD (PWMSA/LAR) Digital Workplace Specialist - IT (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsRequired technical and professional expertise:Academic degree in Information Technology or Economics or a comparable qualification;Several years of relevant professional experience in the mentioned area of responsibility / ar[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for NPM Purchasing HUB with Serbian - Romania (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsEnrolled in a Master Program or is still in University but his/her schedule allows him/her to work 6 or 8h/day;Eager to develop and learn more about purchasing department;Proactive attitude, initiative and is self driven;Good commu[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accountant - Finance (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Accountant:University degree (e.g. Economics);Minimum 2-3 years of experience in the economical area; Relevant experience in a multinational company is a plus;English medium-adva[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader - Optic Design Engineer HUD - UX (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be successful as an Optic Design Engineer: Master or PHD in Physics or Mechanical Engineering.  At least 5 years of relevant professional experience in optics and / or mechanics.  Aut[..]

Continental Timisoara
System Test Internship for Qualification Laboratory (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful System Test Internship:Technical school/education (i.e. Electronics, Computer science);Practical experience using test/monitoring tools: instrumentation for measurement and control;Basic knowl[..]

Continental Timisoara
Financial Accountant Treasury - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Financial Accountant Treasury:University degree (e.g. Economics) or relevant professional experience;       Up to 2 years experience in the economical area;English advanced[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader Accounting - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics or similar);Accounting experience at the level of Senior Accountant;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Good knowledge of spoken and writte[..]

Continental Timisoara
Junior Accountant CABS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Less than 2 years of experience in the economical area;English intermediate;Microsoft office advanced;SAP basic or another ERP program is a plus;Clear and Open Communication, Deliveri[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics)Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plusGood knowledge of spoken and written EnglishGerman language is a plusSafe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with Hungarian - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;Good knowledge of spoken and written Hungarian;German language is a plus;Microso[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant - CABS

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a plus;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
SW Project Manager (Non-Agile) or SW Product Manager (Agile) - CAM (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity Degree (i.e. Electronics, Computer Science, Physics, Informatics);Knowledge of SW development in embedded systems, Software architecture and design, Software integration and SW testing;1 or more years Software Project Management [..]

Continental Timisoara
Analog design for Radar & Lidar products - Autonomous Mobility (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful in analog design:Bachelor degree in areas: Electronics, Telecommunication, Computer Science;Automotive Design Experience will be a plus;Experience in the field area - at least 3 years;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Senior Electrical Engineer EN - AN (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsBachelor's or Master's degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field;Minimum of 3-6 years of experience in electrical engineering, with a focus on automotive product development;Proven experience in designing and developing automotive[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for multimedia and digital marketing activities-Innovation & Improvements Romania (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be successful in this position:Student of technical, arts, media, communication, or comparable field of studyAvailability: 6h/ day;Strong knowledge of MS Office tools;Excellent English skills in spok[..]

Continental Timisoara
Tehnician Mentenanta Preventiva SMT - Manufacturing TM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

CalificariCunosterea proceselor de productie SMT (Printing, SPI, Placement, Reflow, AOI);Experienta tn identificarea erorilor la masinile de AOI;Cunoasterea standardelor din IPC610;Operare calculator;Cunostinte de electrica, mecanica, p[..]

Continental Timisoara
Scrap Attack Coordinator - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Qualifications Manufacturing process experience;Product - Basic Performance and Advanced Performance of Tires;Project Management knowledge (SPA, PROMT);SPS and CBS Methodologies;Statistics;CBS Methods;Unive[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accountant - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree in Economics;Minimum 3 years experience in a similar position;English - medium level;SAP experience - is an advantage;Experience in an International Company is an advantage.Additional [..]

Continental Timisoara
Senior NLP Engineer - SCT RAE AI (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsMSc or PhD in computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, or a related field;Minimum 4+ years of experience in NLP engineering or a related field;Strong proficiency in programming languages such as Python and experience with NLP[..]

Continental Timisoara
Master Data Responsible (AP & AR) - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Master Data Responsible:University degree (Economics);Experience in the Master Data Governance area;English advanced; German is a plus;Microsoft office advanced;SAP knowledge[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accountant Intercompany responsible (AP & AR) - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Minimum 2-5 years of experience in the economical area;Relevant experience in a multinational company is a plus;English advanced;Microsoft office advancedSafe handling of accounting p[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with German - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Accounts Payable Accountant with German:University degree in Finance / Economics or comparable;3+ years work experience in accounting;Knowledge of up-to-date finance tools (SAP preferred);[..]

Continental Timisoara
Sales Support (Limited - 2 years) - Finance (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsFaculty of Economics / Master of Economics;Minimum 3 years, relevant area Accounts Receivable or Credit  Management / Logistics experience;English advanced, german is a plus;SAP is a plus;Microsoft office advanced;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Tehnician Mentenanta (Molding) - Manufacturing TM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

CalificariCunostinte de electrica, mecanica, pneumatica, senzoristica;Disponibilitate de a lucra tn schimburi;Abilitati de lucru tn echipa;Responsabilitate si orientare spre calitate;Posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala;Cuno[..]

Continental Timisoara
Control & Drives Maintenance Engineer - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsElectrical Engineering University degree (Electrotehnics mainly; Energetics or Automation);Previous work experience in engineering and maintenance, in a production environment;Hands-on approach and willingness to spend 60% of the working ti[..]

Continental Timisoara
Data Analyst - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree - computer science is a plus;Advanced proficiency in Power BI and Microsoft Office - Excel in particular;Advanced English - min B2;Manufacturing Systems knowledge is a plus;Statistical Process Control App[..]

Continental Timisoara
Flashloader Internship for a TV2 based microcontroller - Smart Mobility (TM)

part-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity on going: Automation & Computers, Electronics & Telecommunications;Specific technical knowledge required: C programming language, microcontrollers, flash memory, CAN bus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for Facility Department (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity studies ongoing;English - advanced level;Planning and organizing skills;Good computer operation skills - Microsoft Office package;Communication skills.Additional InformationWhat [..]

Continental Timisoara
Experienced Embedded Software Developer - CES (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Experienced Embedded Software Developer:University degree (e.g. Computer Science, Informatics, Electronics);At least 4 years working experience in embedded C programming;Experience in working [..]

Continental Timisoara
SAFEGUARD (PWMSA & LAR) Digital Workplace Specialist - IT (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsRequired technical and professional expertise:Academic degree in Information Technology or Economics or a comparable qualification;Several years of relevant professional experience in the mentioned area of responsibility / ar[..]

Continental Timisoara
Senior Engineer AI / ML / Data for SCT RAE AI (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsYou would be a perfect match for our team if you have: Advanced degree (MSc or PhD) in Computer Science, Informatics, Mathematics, or a related engineering field;At least 8 years of professional experience in Software, A[..]

Continental Timisoara
IT Engineer for Continental Cooperation Platform - TM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsSkills required:Understanding and experience of ITIL processes and tools;Experience in a support role;Generic user management and role concepts;Software development tools such as Jira, Confluence, Artifactory, Jenkins, Githu[..]

Continental Timisoara
Software Developer for Continental Cooperation Platform - IT (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsSkills required:Any combination of:Experience in "Infrastructure as Code" using AWS components and Terraform;Experience in .net applications and C#;Experience in User interface development with Angular;Understanding a[..]

Continental Timisoara
Global HR Operations Specialist SuccessFactors Learning - TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsA university degree that supported you develop your skills and knowledge relevant for the skills and responsibilities needed for this job (we believe in driving your own career path, diverse backgrounds and experiences are a value-add );You can work[..]

Continental Timisoara
IT Program & Project Manager - IT (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsDegree in Information Technology or equivalent qualification;Expert knowledge in the Project and Program Management area (Waterfall);Experience in IT Contract Management;Experience with IT & IT Infrastructure solutions & se[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship Accountant - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsOngoing university studies in economics/finance;IT skills MS Office, SAP FI is a plus;English - Intermediate;German is a plus,Analytical and logical thinking;Initiative / pro-activeness;Self-motivation, p[..]

Continental Timisoara
System Engineer ASIC design SCT ASW (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

Qualifications QualificationsMaster of Science / PhD in Electrical Engineering / Microelectronics / Physics or similarExperience in design of analog circuitsUnderstanding of semiconductor backend production (testing, a[..]

Continental Timisoara
Warehouse Operator (Determined period) - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsSAP knowledge;Microsoft Office knowledge;High-school studies;Previous experience in Logistic processes;Availability to work in 4 shifts;Valid forklift driving authorisation - ISCIRAdd[..]

Continental Timisoara
Technicians Coordinator - FF SAM - Manufacturing TM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsAvailability for working in shifts.Electrical Drawings.English knowledge.Process knowlegde & Pneumatics, Mechanics knowledge.Additional InformationIntegration Program in a professional &[..]

Continental Timisoara
Line Leader FF SAM - Manufacturing TM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsLimba engleza - nivel mediu;Minim 2 ani experienta in coordonare de echipe;Cunostiinte despre procesele de productie din intreaga aria functionala;Disponibilitatea de a lucra in schimburi;Abilitati de comunicare.[..]

Continental Timisoara
Tehnician Mentenanta FF SAM - Manufacturing TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

Qualificationso Cunostinte de electrica, mecanica, pneumatica, senzoristica; o Disponibilitate de a lucra tn schimburi; o Abilitati de lucru tn echipa; o Responsabilitate si orientare spre calitate; o Posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala; o Cunostinte me[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for Travel Management Center - TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsJob Requirements:University studies on going (e.g. Foreign Languages/ Economics/ Human Sciences);Good knowledge of MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel);Good command of English;Organized person;Very good[..]

Continental Timisoara
Local Data Protection Coordinator - (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsYou'll be our match if you possess:Knowledge of EU data protection regulations, and a minimum understanding of other major national data compliance frameworks and evolving legislation;Knowledge of information technology and d[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for NPM Purchasing HUB with Serbian - Romania (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsEnrolled in a Master Program or is still in University but his/her schedule allows him/her to work 6 or 8h/day;Eager to develop and learn more about purchasing department;Proactive attitude, initiative and is self driven;Good commu[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for Accounting - CABS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsOngoing university studies in economics/finance;MS Office - Advanced;English - Intermediate;Analytical and logical thinking;Self-motivation, positive attitude;Team player attitude.Additional In[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for NPM Purchasing HUB - Romania (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsEnrolled in a Master Program or is still in University but his/her schedule allows him/her to work 6 or 8h/day;Eager to develop and learn more about purchasing department;Proactive attitude, initiative and is self driven;Good commu[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship Team Assistant for - QL TSR

full-time Student/Absolvent

Qualificationso Student at Psychology, Economics, Social Sciences etc;  o Advanced knowledge of English;  o Good knowledge of MS Office (World, Excel, PowerPoint);  o Full-time availability (8 hours per day); o Dynamic and well organized; o S[..]

Continental Timisoara
Local Data Protection Coordinator - (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsYou'll be our match if you possess:Knowledge of EU data protection regulations, and a minimum understanding of other major national data compliance frameworks and evolving legislation;Knowledge of information technology and d[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for PSS Tool Support - SAM PSS (TM)

practica Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful in your role:Technical University studies in progress (Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics, Mechanics, Informatics);MS Office Applications advanced level (Word,  Excel, Power Point);[..]

Continental Timisoara
Operations controller - SHS CAM

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree in the field of economics or comparable qualification;Confident handling of MS Office programs, especially MS Excel;Fluent in English written and spoken;Good analytical and numerical skills;Good[..]

Continental Timisoara
Magaziner - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsSAP knowledge;Microsoft Office knowledge;High-school studies;Previous experience in Logistic processes;Availability to work in 4 shifts;Valid forklift driving authorisation - ISCIR.Ad[..]

Continental Timisoara
HR Business Partner - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsBachelor degree in business, psychology, social science or related area;At least minimum 3 years experience as HR Business Partner;Cross-functional Experience - Has gained insight into different departments / functions / BUs (through projec[..]

Continental Timisoara
Global HR Systems Operations Consultant (eRecruiting) -TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity degree, preferably in areas of Human Resources/Business Administration, Information Technologies;Ability to work and collaborate in a highly virtual environment;High system and process affinity;Ability to manage tasks &a[..]

Continental Timisoara
Waste Supervisor - Tires

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsGraduated Highschool - real profile; Diploma for graduation of the waste responsible course - is a plus;Experience in waste related management activities, at least 1 year - is a plus;English - medium level - is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Sales Support for Finance (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsFaculty of Economics / Master of Economics;Minimum 3 years, relevant area Accounts Receivable or Credit  Management / Logistics experience;English advanced, german is a plus;SAP is a plus;Microsoft office advanced;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Expert Agile Software Engineer - Sibiu AN R&D

full-time Student/Absolvent

Company Description Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In[..]

Continental Sibiu
Material planner for Segment Product Solution CES (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity Degree and/or relevant experience;o 1-3 year experience in electronics manufacturing;o Knowledge of manufacturing equipment;o Knowledge of IT Tools (MS Office, SAP);o English;o Presentation skills.Additi[..]

Continental Timisoara
Senior Accountant CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Minimum 2-5 years of experience in the economical area;Relevant experience in a multinational company is a plus;English advanced;Microsoft office advancedSafe handling of accounting p[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant - GBS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThese are just some of the requirements that would ensure a good integration in out team:Bachelor degree in Business or Economics;2-3 years professional experience preferred;SAP knowledge is mandatory;Advanced English is a m[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for Accounting - Finance (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsAs part of the team, you need to have:Ongoing university studies in economics/finance;MS Office - Advanced;English - Intermediate;Analytical and logical thinking;Self-motivation, positive attitude;Team play[..]

Continental Timisoara
Industrial Engineer - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsProven experience implementing lean principles, tools and methods;Technical University degree;Project management and process optimization knowledge represents a plus;Previous work experience in manufacturing industry represents a p[..]

Continental Timisoara
Experienced Embedded Software Developer - CES (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Experienced Embedded Software Developer:University degree (e.g. Computer Science, Informatics, Electronics);At least 4 years working experience in embedded C programming;Experience in working [..]

Continental Timisoara
HR Talent Acquisition Internship - TM

practica Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity studies on going in Human Resources, Communication, Business or relevant degree;Excellent English language skills (written and spoken);Intermediate or advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word and Excel);Good communic[..]

Continental Timisoara
Data Analyst - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree - computer science is a plus;Advanced proficiency in Power BI and Microsoft Office - Excel in particular;Advanced English - min B2;Manufacturing Systems knowledge is a plus;Statistical Process Control App[..]

Continental Timisoara
Technical Project Leader for HUD Advance Development - UX (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsStudy in Engineering Science (e.g. Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Information Technology or similar;Professional experience (>5 years) in leading technical projects, preferably in the Automotive Industry;Experie[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader - Optic Design Engineer HUD - UX (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be successful as an Optic Design Engineer: Master or PHD in Physics or Mechanical Engineering.  At least 5 years of relevant professional experience in optics and / or mechanics.  Aut[..]

Continental Timisoara
IT Service Management Process Consultant

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsAcademic Degree in Engineering, Information Technology, Business Sciences or comparable;Professional experience in the process area, preferably in IT processes;IT Service Management experience;Experience in the area of Request Fulf[..]

Continental Timisoara
Health Responsible - Tires

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity studies;Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Course - average level 80 hours - is an advantage;Internal Auditor Course in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001- is an advantage;1 years in the field of Occupa[..]

Continental Timisoara
System Test Internship for Qualification Laboratory (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful System Test Internship:Technical school/education (i.e. Electronics, Computer science);Practical experience using test/monitoring tools: instrumentation for measurement and control;Basic knowl[..]

Continental Timisoara
Senior Engineer AI / ML / Data for SCT RAE AI (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsYou would be a perfect match for our team if you have: Advanced degree (MSc or PhD) in Computer Science, Informatics, Mathematics, or a related engineering field;At least 8 years of professional experience in Software, A[..]

Continental Timisoara
Control & Drives Maintenance Engineer - Tires (determined)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsElectrical Engineering University degree (Electrotehnics mainly; Energetics or Automation);Previous work experience in engineering and maintenance, in a production environment;Hands-on approach and willingness to spend 60% of the working ti[..]

Continental Timisoara
Specialist Public Standards - QM (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be successful in this position:Self-driven person to research and follow-up orders in system in a remote environment;Technical understanding and service orientation in order management (multi-tasking,[..]

Continental Timisoara
System Test Internship for Qualification Laboratory (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful System Test Internship:Technical school/education (i.e. Electronics, Computer science);Practical experience using test/monitoring tools: instrumentation for measurement and control;Basic knowl[..]

Continental Timisoara
Global HR Learning Administrators - TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity degree, preferably in areas of Human Resources/Business Administration, Information Technologies;Ability to work and collaborate in a highly virtual environment High system and process affinity;Ability to manage tasks & proce[..]

Continental Timisoara
Process Engineer - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsTechnical University Degree - Engineering is a plus;Minimum 1 year experience in a similar role;Six Sigma Certification (Yellow Belt) - is a plus;Office 365 (Excel) - medium;Power BI knowledge - is a plus;Project [..]

Continental Timisoara
ESH Internship - Manufacturing TM

part-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsIs in university in 2nd or 3rd year to a non-technical profile;Organized person, responsible, flexible and proactive;Attention to details;Good communication skills;Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (PowerPoint, Ex[..]

Continental Timisoara
Software Engineer Product Data Logistics Developer for UX (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsEducation:University degree in a relevant field (i.e. Automatic Control and Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication, Informatics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, etc.).Technical skills:Knowledge of the Conti P[..]

Continental Timisoara
EMC Test Engineering Internship for Qualification Laboratory (TM)

practica Student/Absolvent

QualificationsTechnical school/education (i.e. Electronics, Computer science);Practical experience in repair or mechanical work;Practical experience using test/monitoring tools: instrumentation for measurement and control;Basic knowledge of HW E[..]

Continental Timisoara
Financial Accountant Treasury - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Financial Accountant Treasury:University degree (e.g. Economics) or relevant professional experience;       Up to 2 years experience in the economical area;English advanced[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader Accounting - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics or similar);Accounting experience at the level of Senior Accountant;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Good knowledge of spoken and writte[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics)Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plusGood knowledge of spoken and written EnglishGerman language is a plusSafe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with Hungarian - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;Good knowledge of spoken and written Hungarian;German language is a plus;Microso[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant - CABS

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a plus;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Buyer Internship - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful in Buyer Internship:Ongoing University studies in business, supply chain, engineering, or any - with strong interest in discovering the Purchasing domain;Proficient in using Microsoft Office suite;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with German - GBS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Accounts Payable Accountant with German:University degree in Finance / Economics or comparable;3+ years work experience in accounting;Knowledge of up-to-date finance tools (SAP preferred);[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with Hungarian - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThese are just some of the requirements that would ensure a good integration in out team:Bachelor degree in Business or Economics;2-3 years professional experience preferred;SAP knowledge is mandatory;Advanced English is a m[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThese are just some of the requirements that would ensure a good integration in out team:Bachelor degree in Business or Economics;2-3 years professional experience preferred;SAP knowledge is mandatory;Advanced English is a m[..]

Continental Timisoara
Buyer Internship with German - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful in Buyer Internship:Ongoing University studies in business, supply chain, engineering, or any - with strong interest in discovering the Purchasing domain;Proficient in using Microsoft Office suite;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship Accountant with German - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsOngoing university studies in economics/finance;IT skills MS Office, SAP FI is a plus;English - Intermediate;German is a must;Analytical and logical thinking;Initiative / pro-activeness;Self-motivation, p[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship Accountant with Hungarian - GBS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsOngoing university studies in economics/finance;IT skills MS Office, SAP FI is a plus;Hungarian is mandatory;English - Intermediate;Analytical and logical thinking;Initiative / pro-activeness;Self-motivat[..]

Continental Timisoara
Financial Accountant Treasury - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful Financial Accountant Treasury:University degree (e.g. Economics) or relevant professional experience;       Up to 2 years experience in the economical area;English advanced[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader Accounting - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics or similar);Accounting experience at the level of Senior Accountant;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Good knowledge of spoken and writte[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Safe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Payable Accountant - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics)Relevant experience in Accounts Payable area is a plusGood knowledge of spoken and written EnglishGerman language is a plusSafe handling of accounting processes in SAP FI, MM, is a plus[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with Hungarian - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;Good knowledge of spoken and written Hungarian;German language is a plus;Microso[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with German - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant with French - CABS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;French language is a must;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant - CABS

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Relevant experience in Accounts Receivable area is a plus;Good knowledge of spoken and written English;German language is a plus;Microsoft office advanced (especially Excel);Safe hand[..]

Continental Timisoara
Specialist Public Standards - QM (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be successful in this position:Self-driven person to research and follow-up orders in system in a remote environment;Technical understanding and service orientation in order management (multi-tasking,[..]

Continental Timisoara
Requirements System Engineer Internship Autonomous Mobility (TM)

part-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to be a successful System Engineer Student:Student in Electronics, Telecommunication, computer Science, Informatics, Electrical engineering, Management in Production & Transports;Knowledge of Microsoft Excel;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Mechanical Internship for Head-up Display UX (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity studies on going in Mechanics, Mechatronics or relevant field;Knowledge about plastic parts design;Creo know-how (knowledge about any other tool for 3D design is welcomed);Good communication skills;English langu[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for Group Governance QM (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity Studies ongoing;Availability to work part-time only (4h/day);Creative, Self-driven person to follow-up and drive activities in a remote environment;Communicative and high service orientation;IT knowledge for dat[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for HR Operations Center - TM

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsThis is what it takes to start a successful Internship:2nd or 3rd year of Study at Finance, Languages, Psychology;Answering phones from employees professionally;Seek to create a positive experience for each caller;Planning a[..]

Continental Timisoara
Accounts Receivable Accountant - GBS (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsThese are just some of the skills which can ensure a good integration in our team:Business Studies/Economics Science/Economics;1-3 years experience preferred;Well organized, ability to meet strict deadlines;Basic knowledge o[..]

Continental Timisoara
Team Leader Process Industrialization

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsExperience in Automotive Industry - Minimum 5 yearsExperience with CAPEX projects (budget planning, expenditure tracking).English - AdvancedProblem solving and decision-making tools and techniques.Product knowledge (functi[..]

Continental Timisoara
Internship for NPM Purchasing HUB with Hungarian - Romania (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsIs enrolled in a Master Program or is still in University but his/her schedule allows him/her to work 6 or 8h/day;Is eager to develop and learn more about purchasing department;Proactive attitude, initiative and is self driven;Good[..]

Continental Timisoara
Reliability Laboratory System Test Engineer (R&D) - QL (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsTechnical school / education (i.e. Electronics, Electro-Technics);Basic knowledge in Mechanics, Electronics;Experience in operating electrical and nonelectrical laboratory equipment;Working knowledge of MS Office and database syste[..]

Continental Timisoara
Tehnician CNC - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsStudii superioare tn domeniul mecanicii constituie un avantaj;Cunostinte de proiectare si debidare in AutoCAD, Esprit, Fanuc;Experienta tn domeniul prelucrarii matritelor;Cunostinte de limba engleza - nivel mediu;[..]

Continental Timisoara
Junior Accountant CABS (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

QualificationsUniversity degree (Economics);Less than 2 years of experience in the economical area;English intermediate;Microsoft office advanced;SAP basic or another ERP program is a plus;Clear and Open Communication, Deliveri[..]

Continental Timisoara
Scrap Attack Coordinator - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Qualifications Manufacturing process experience;Product - Basic Performance and Advanced Performance of Tires;Project Management knowledge (SPA, PROMT);SPS and CBS Methodologies;Statistics;CBS Methods;Unive[..]

Continental Timisoara
Magaziner (Determined period) - Tires

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

QualificationsSAP knowledge;Microsoft Office knowledge;High-school studies;Previous experience in Logistic processes;Availability to work in 4 shifts;Valid forklift driving authorisation - ISCIRAdd[..]

Continental Timisoara
Analog design for Radar & Lidar products - Autonomous Mobility (TM)

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Continental Automotive Timisoara is hiring for Analog design for Radar & Lidar products - Autonomous Mobility (TM)[..]

Continental Timisoara
Requirements System Engineer Internship – Autonomous Mobility (TM)

full-time Student/Absolvent

Company Description The Autonomous Mobility department develops products and systems based on intelligent Camera, Radar & Lidar sensors that are able to “see” and collect details from traffic in the surrounding area of the vehicles. The used sensors contain very powerful processing elements tha[..]

Continental Timisoara

Joburi Continental

Companie Oras(e) Data