Sameday Courier

Industrie: Servicii&BPO

Who is Sameday?

What do we do? We offer quality delivery services and we build the greatest national locker network. Currently, Sameday shipments are processed in our two logistic Hubs near Chitila and Sibiu.

We entered the deliveries field in 2007, and now we are one of the main players on the Romanian market. By massively investing in technology, we have become one of the most trusted companies with the highest accelerated growth. Each experience we go through is a chance for us to learn how to improve ourselves and, as we wish to grow alongside our clients, we’ve opened the road of transparency in deliveries.

Our entrepreneurial view and culture are strongly tied to innovation, to the desire to evolve and develop. That is why we provide our young, determined team a pleasant and dynamic work environment, as well as all the required support so that each of us and all together can enjoy a harmonious growth and become better every day.

If Sameday’s values and mission are close to yours and you wish to contribute to their accomplishment and development, you are more than welcome to join us and… develop by our side.

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ale aceste firme nu vi se potrivesc insa ati dori sa obtineti o
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Locuri de munca Sameday Courier

Companie Oras(e) Data
Sef de Echipa - Depozit de curierat Sibiu (program noapte)

full-time 0 - 1 an experienta

We entered the deliveries field in 2007, and now we are one of the main players on the Romanian market. By massively investing in technology, we have become one of the most trusted companies with the highest accelerated growth. Our entrepreneurial view and culture are strongly tied to innovation, t[..]

Sameday Courier Medias
HUB Manager depozit de curierat Sibiu

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Ce ar trebui sa faci? Coordoneaza si supervizeaza toate operatiunile ante si post procesare: descarcare, repartizare volume, consolidare, incarcare, depozitare; Supervizeaza depozitul, organizeaza activitatile specifice procesarii coletelor si asigura respectarea procedurilor de lucru; Elaboreaza r[..]

Sameday Courier Sibiu
Tehnician Service Lockere - Iasi & Ploiesti

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Ce ar trebui să faci? Să te ocupi de mentenanța și configurarea software pentru lockere; Să te ocupi de montarea și configurarea sistemelor cctv; Să conectezi și testezi echipamente pe teren; Să efectuezi deplasări pe teren pentru mentenanță; În funcție de volumul de activitate, se po[..]

Sameday Courier Iasi
Field Recruiter (A1, Km19, Joita)

full-time 0 - 1 an experienta

Am intrat pe piața de curierat în 2007, iar acum suntem unul dintre principalii jucători din piața românească. Investind masiv în tehnologie, am devenit una dintre companiile de încredere cu cea mai accelerată creștere. [..]

Sameday Courier BUCURESTI

Joburi Sameday Courier

Companie Oras(e) Data