ALTEN Romania

Orase: BUCURESTI, Craiova, Pitesti, Sibiu, Timisoara,
Industrie: Inginerie

ALTEN Romania, part of the international ALTEN Group - with a unique position as Leader in IT & Engineering Consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and IT systems since 1996. The company comprises 2 divisions specialized on its core capabilities: ENGINEERING and IT. These two divisions are: ALTEN TECHNO and ALTEN IT Division.

ALTEN IT division offers software development services, business and technical analysis, support, maintenance and monitoring for national & international clients. Over 350 consultants from 4 cities (Bucharest, Pitesti, Craiova, Timisoara) are working on ambitious projects for leading global companies in banking, telecommunications and services sectors.

The IT Division has a team of consultants who are specifically specialized in Java, .NET, PHP, C#, C++, Siebel, Python and a large team of QA population (manual and automation).


ALTEN TECHNO division provides engineering services in different sectors such as automotive, aeronautics, railways and energy with a team of 300 engineers from 3 cities (Bucharest, Timisoara, Sibiu). Our consultants deliver innovative solutions for our customers, being specifically specialized in CATIA V5, NewPDM, SolidWorks, Matlab/ Simulink, HIL, Embedded Systems.


5 key elements in ALTEN Romania:
  • Qualified specialists;
  • Talented Colleagues;
  • Friendly Work-Environment;
  • Multisectoral Approach;
  • Engineering & Technological Expertise.
If you want to discover the employee package we offer, we invite you to a discussion at our office. 

What is a consultant?

A consultant is a professional who develops technical projects in a industry or specialized field. The consultant is an expert in the specific industry, has a wide knowledge on the matter, but also problem-solving abilities. At ALTEN Romania, we always look to work with the best consultants, to enable them to grow professionally and provide top solutions for different projects.

What do consultants really do?

Consultants develop technical projects which are under their expertise. Consultants can work as independent contractors or can be employed by a consulting firm. As independent contractors, consultants search on their own for projects and clients to collaborate with. As an employed consultant, the consulting company takes care of finding the most suitable projects for consultants to work on. At ALTEN Romania, the Business Managers responsible for your career are always working with clients to find interesting projects to be developed.

What are the benefits of working as a consultant?

ALTEN Romania’s consultants can work in different industries, with diverse technologies, based on their professional objectives. A Business Manager, responsible for your career, will guide you through the process. Our consultants experience with different business environments and organizational cultures. The changing work environment contributes to their development as flexible and complex professionals. Being part of the ALTEN Group, consultants are also exposed to an international working environment, which can include trainings or even transfer to an ALTEN team abroad.
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Locuri de munca ALTEN Romania

Companie Oras(e) Data
HMI Specialist

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

ALTEN Group, world leader in engineering and technology consulting, has a strong commitment to invest in Romania. Its employees have the necessary skills and capabilities to cover the entire development cycle and provide a wide range of service levels, from technology consulting to full project outs[..]

Inginer Energie si Utilitati

1 1 - 5 ani experienta


ALTEN Romania Mioveni
Inginer Specialist Marcare

1 0 - 1 an experienta


ALTEN Romania Targu Mures
Specialist Prestatii Vehicule

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

ALTEN Romania este parte din ALTEN Group, lider in Consultanta IT si Inginerie. Dezvoltam solutii inovative si sustenabile prin care venim in intampinarea partenerilor nostri locali si internationali. [..]

ALTEN Romania Titu
Conceptor CAO

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

ALTEN Romania este parte din ALTEN Group, lider in Consultanta IT si Inginerie. Dezvoltam solutii inovative si sustenabile prin care venim in intampinarea partenerilor nostri locali si internationali.[..]

ALTEN Romania Pitesti
Hardware Indoor Outdoor Design Engineer

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

ALTEN Group, a worldwide leader in engineering & technology consulting, has a strong commitment to invest in Romania. Its employees have the skills and capabilities to cover the whole development cycle and to offer a wide choice of service levels, from technology consulting to complete projects outs[..]

Operator CNC

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

ALTEN Romania este parte din ALTEN Group, lider in Consultanta IT si Inginerie. Dezvoltam solutii inovative si sustenabile prin care venim in intampinarea partenerilor nostri locali si internationali.[..]

ALTEN Romania Suceava

1 1 - 5 ani experienta

Despre rolul deschis: In cadrul acestei poziții, vei fi responsabil(a) cu evidenta si urmarirea facturilor de la furnizori, a deconturilor de cheltuieli, precum si cu urmarirea facturilor catre clienti si a rapoartelor aferente. O zi de lucru include: - Transmiterea spre inregistrare a documente[..]

Junior HMI Engineer

1 0 - 1 an experienta

Join ALTEN team as HMI Engineer! [..]


1 1 - 5 ani experienta

Responsabilitățile principale ce revin postului : • Instalare și administrare servere Windows / Linux. • Suport utilizator pentru probleme complexe. • Instalare și administrare servere baze de date. • Administrare antivirus. • Instalare / configurare / administrare platforma virtualiz[..]


Joburi ALTEN Romania

Companie Oras(e) Data