OT Solutions is a ferry booking agency based in Ruse, Bulgaria that operates on all of Northern Europe’s routes, having partnerships with the main ferry operators.

We are working with over 900 transport companies from all over Europe, especially Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova, managing every year over 11.000 unique vehicles. 

With a field experience of over 10 years in freight booking, we provide our clients with the best all-round services when it comes to ferry crossings. 

There are many reasons why you should trust us:
  • We ship all types of vehicles from vans to oversized trucks including heavy haulage and out-of-gauge loads as well as hazardous cargo; 
  • We offer customer support 24/7, so you have someone to speak to at any time, day or night, for routine or unforeseen issues; 
  • Our Ferry-booking network covers all major ports from England, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Baltic Sea and the rest of Continental Europe; 
  • We allow our customers to compare costs and find best suppliers, lowest prices and best service;
  • We supply a fast response as we guarantee 45 minutes delivery of the booking from the customer’s request 
  • Bookings can be made online, by telephone or by fax;
  • We are flexible regarding terms of payment and invoicing currency (We can accept several types of currencies).
Our team is composed of highly trained and experienced young people, who help us achieve our goals in delivering an optimum and first class service to our clients. Meet us here and join our team! 
BUCURESTI, Strainatate, Timisoara

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