Orase: Brasov, Iasi, Sibiu, Timisoara,
Industrie: Auto


Grupul Schaeffler
dezvoltă de peste 75 de ani soluții inovatoare în domeniul tehnologiei de mobilitate. Începând din 1 octombrie, Vitesco Technologies și grupul Schaeffler fuzionează pentru a-și spori forța operațională și de inovare. Astfel, noua companie de tehnologie va fi un jucător de top pe toate piețele globale relevante, aducând beneficii tuturor părților implicate.

După finalizarea integrării, Schaeffler va atinge un venit anual de aproximativ 25 de miliarde de euro, o forță de muncă de aproximativ 120.000, peste 44 de centre de cercetare și dezvoltare și peste 100 de site-uri de producție în toate regiunile majore ale lumii.

În România, noua companie va avea 4 centre de cercetare-dezvoltare la Brașov, Iași, Sibiu și Timișoara si unități de producție în Brașov.

Ce ne diferențiază?

Schaeffler are o identitate unică, fiind o companie de familie, cu un parcurs de succes, care ne-a dus în piețe din întreaga lume. În relațiile noastre cu angajații, acționarii și partenerii de afaceri suntem ghidați de integritate, respect și corectitudine.

Principiile menționate sunt susținute de valorile noastre: pasiune, sustenabilitate, excelență și inovație, care se regăsesc în tot ce facem. De-a lungul timpului, ne-am dezvoltat constant, însă pentru a continua să aducem inovații în domeniul tehnologiei mobilității, ne bazăm întotdeauna pe aceste valori și principii.  

Armonia între carieră și timpul liber

La Schaeffler, apreciem importanța familiei și echilibrul între muncă și viața personală. Avem politici care asigură această integrare, inclusiv beneficii pentru sănătate și sport, precum și un regim de lucru flexibil acolo unde este posibil.


La Schaeffler, beneficiile reflectă mediul de lucru orientat pe colaborare, inovație și echilibrul dintre carieră și viața personală. Oferim tichete de masă, asigurare medicală privată și de viață, precum și sprijin financiar și zilele libere pentru evenimente deosebite în familie. În plus, transportul asigurat pentru colegii din unitățile de producție, cadourile pentru ocazii speciale și activitățile sportive fac experiența și mai plăcută. Suntem alături de angajați în îndeplinirea obiectivelor pe care le au, punând la dispoziție diverse programe de dezvoltare. 

Principiile de leadership

La noi, leadershipul este axat pe transparență, încredere și colaborare. Managerii își asumă răspunderea deciziilor, și îi motivează pe ceilalți să procedeze la fel. Așadar, comunicarea deschisă și încrederea reciprocă sunt esențiale pentru cultura noastră.

Cele 6 principii care ne ghidează sunt:

  • Parteneriat pentru succes
  • Empowerment pentru echipă
  • Grijă pentru oameni
  • Management pentru rezultate
  • Conduc schimbarea
  • Asumarea responsabilității

Principiile noastre de leadership au fost create alături de colegi din întreaga lume și sunt implementate în toate locațiile noastre. Așa ne asigurăm că mergem în direcția potrivită.

Cu o cultură bazată pe respect, colaborare și inovare, oferim un mediu de lucru care susține nu doar performanța, ci și bunăstarea angajaților.

Aplica spontan! * Companie favorita
Daca niciunul din joburile disponibile in acest moment pe
ale aceste firme nu vi se potrivesc insa ati dori sa obtineti o
pozitie aici, puteti trimite CV-ul dvs. aplicand spontan!
Urmareste aceasta companie ca sa vezi ultimele joburi postate.

Locuri de munca SCHAEFFLER

Companie Oras(e) Data
Modern Workplace Service Owner Client

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Shift Supervisor - SMT

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Test System developer

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Tehnician de Mentenanta - SMT

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Software Tool Developer

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

IT System Engineer, Production Planning and Execution

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Internship - Facility

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Reglor - Injectie Mase Plastice

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Tehnician Linie - Motoare Electrice

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Software Function Engineer

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

R&D Controller

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

R&D Controller

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Embedded Software Engineer

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Senior Embedded Software Engineer

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Software Engineer for Artificial Intelligence

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Senior Software Engineer for Software Defined Vehicle

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]

Join Our Talent Network: Your Electrified Future Starts Here!

full-time 1 - 5 ani experienta

Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of itsentrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the ae[..]



Companie Oras(e) Data