Reprezentant Medical

Employer: Temps
  • Pharmacy - Health
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Updated at: 20.01.2025
    Remote work: On-site

    You can apply to this ad only with your account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.

    Short company description

    Temps is the leading company providing integrated HR services and workforce solutions for white collars professionals. Founded in 2011 as part of an IT group, historically we build our core expertise for the IT&C sector. Temps capitalized the market knowledge and expended its expertise to expanding industry sectors. The company has been growing out of passion for an outstanding performance for both candidates and clients. We continuously invest in technology and process digitalization as key components for a flexible and effective service.

    What differentiates us is what makes us stronger as a team. Values are what keeps us together and define us In our efforts to achieve goals, honor commitment and create a great service experience.

    Find your next career opportunity in our list of open positions. If you’re an experienced professional, that’s wonderful. If not, that’s still ok, as long as you have enthusiasm and drive. For us, it’s not about years, it’s about attitude.


    • Peste 2 ani de experiență

    Candidatul Ideal
    - Studii superioare - studiile medicale constituie avantaj;
    - Cunoasterea unei limbi de circulatie internationala;
    - Cunostinte MS Office;
    - ️Experienta anterioara minim 2 ani intr-un post similar;
    - Persmis auto valabil de minim 2 ani;
    - Abilitati de comunicare si negociere, bun cunoscator de tehnici de vanzare;
    - Cursuri de specialiatate (vanzari) – constituie avantaj;
    - Persoana organizata cu atitudine pozitiva, dinamica, motivata, cu abilitati dezvoltate de comunicare si de relationare;
    - Capacitate de planificare si organizare;
    - Orientare catre rezultate si atingerea obiectivelor;
    - Disponibilitate pentru program prelungit si munca de teren.


    Descrierea jobului
    - Identifica si contacteaza medicii in vederea promovarii serviciilor medicale, incheierea contractelor de colaborare cu acestia;
    - Intretine relatiile cu medicii;
    - Intocmirea ofertelor pentru pacienti;
    - Participa la congrese, simpozioane si alte manifestari stiintifice;
    - Realizarea obiectivelor calitative si cantitative in conformitate cu planul de vanzari stabilit;
    - Intocmirea rapoartelor de activitate si transmiterea acestora catre coordonatorul direct.

    Other info

    Oferta beneficii:
    - Pachet salarial atractiv (salariu, tichete de masa);
    - Bonusuri lunare in functie de performanta;
    - Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu competitiv si profesionist;
    - Instrumente de lucru: autoturism de serviciu, laptop, telefon;
    - Programe de instruire.


    You can apply to this ad only with your account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.

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