Paralegal (junior position) - Legal Department-full time

Employer: Agency for Control of Outstanding Debts S.R.L.
  • Legal Services
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: Student/Graduate
  • Updated at: 17.02.2025
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Agency for Control of Outstanding Debts Romania (ACOD Romania) is a company specialized in the acquisition and management of debt portfolios. ACOD Romania is part of the MFG Group, a larger group operating in the debt recovery and management sector.

    Main Activities of ACOD Romania:

    -Acquisition of debt portfolios: ACOD Romania is involved in acquiring debt portfolios from various financial entities, banks, or companies. This involves purchasing outstanding debts to manage and recover them through various methods.

    -Management of debt files: The company manages debt files efficiently, aiming to maximize the recovery of owed amounts. Portfolio management includes risk evaluation, negotiating with debtors, and, in some cases, legal actions to recover debts.

    -High standard of professionalism: The company's mission is to ensure efficient and professional management of debt files, prioritizing legal and ethical compliance, while maximizing results for its clients.

    -Collaborations with various financial entities: ACOD Romania works with banks, financial institutions, telecommunications companies, and other entities with outstanding debts, offering them customized solutions for managing and recovering these debts.

    -Various recovery services: From the start of the debt recovery process to legal actions, the company provides a wide range of services, including negotiating with debtors and offering debt restructuring solutions.


    Candidatul Ideal:

    Persoana deschisa, dornica sa invete si sa se dezvolte profesional;
    Atitudine responsabila si pozitiva;
    Spirit competitiv, orientare spre performanta si ︀︀︊︎︈︋︆︃​︂︆︄︆​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎indeplinirea obiectivelor;
    Abilitati foarte bune de comunicare si negociere;
    Absolvent de studii medii/superioare


    Verificarea si corectarea informatiilor din bazele de date ale organizatiei;
    Verificarea si pregatirea documentelor fizice necesare pentru pregatirea dosarelor de executare si a dosarelor de instanta;
    Verificarea si inregistrarea corespondentei primite in organizatie;
    Sortarea si arhivarea de documente;
    Redactarea de documente;
    Expedierea corespondentei.

    Other info

    Agency for Control of Outstanding Debts Romania (ACOD Romania) - membra a MFG Group, este o companie specializata in achizitia si managementul portofoliilor de creante. Misiunea noastra este aceea de a asigura o gestiune eficienta a dosarelor de creante, printr-un inalt standard de profesionalism.


    • Special events bonus (ex: Easter, Christmas)
    • Medical subscription
    • Trainings
    • Teambuildings / trips
    • Parties / company events
    • Laptop
    • Meal vouchers

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