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Robotics Simulation & Optimization Engineer

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Angajator: SoftServe România
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 04.12.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Suntem extinși la nivel global, dar și local. O echipă de 11.000+ angajați, dar totuși apropiați. Maeștri în tehnologie, dar nu ne oprim niciodată din învățat.

    Suntem o companie lider în domeniul consultanței IT și al serviciilor digitale, având o prezență puternică în 16 țări din întreaga lume.

    Timp de 30 de ani, am acumulat experiență în furnizarea de soluții digitale de top pentru diverse sectoare de afaceri, cum ar fi tehnologia de vârf, serviciile financiare, sănătate, științele vieții, comerțul cu amănuntul, energie și producție.


    2 ani de activitate

    120+ angajați

    100% muncă remote – dar poți lucra de unde îți convine: de la biroul din București, spațiile de co-working din Cluj sau din Iași.

    6 centre de excelență:  Big Data, Data Science, DevOps, Experience Design, Platforms și Solution Architecture.

    Angajăm în următoarele arii: Android Software Enginers, DevOps, .NET Software Engineer, Data Science, Platforms, Experience Design, Solution Architecture.

    Suntem predominant seniori în: Application Engineering, Data Engineering, Quality Management.

    Avem peste 1,300 de proiecte active cu clienți globali și peste 20,000 de proiecte implementate în ultimii 30 de ani.

    Partenerii noștri: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Salesforce, MuleSoft, VMware și alte peste 40 de alianțe.


    SoftServe University - propriul nostru centru de învățare cu peste 1.000 de cursuri.

    Certificări internaționale de top - plătite de companie.

    10.000 de soluții de învățare Udemy - la dispoziția ta din ziua 1.

    Parcurs clar al carierei - cu un responsabil dedicat.


    Open tech - platforma noastră de crowdsourcing.

    Open eyes - fondul nostru de caritate.

    Voluntariat - 8 acțiuni de plantare de copaci pe an în 4 orașe + acțiuni caritabile ocazionale.

    Susținerea ONG-urilor locale - MagiCAMP, Asociația Creștem România Împreună, Asociația

    Consiliul Național Român pentru Refugiați.


    An expert in Python programming with at least 5 years of experience in software development
    A holder of an MSc or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Robotics, or a related field
    Highly capable of understanding, developing, and implementing complex and efficient algorithms
    Well-versed in control theory, especially model-based control (MPC, MHE, LQG, Kalman filtering, decentralized control system analysis)
    Strong in mathematical optimization (NLP, QP, MILP)
    Knowledgeable in first-principle and data-driven modeling techniques for dynamic systems
    Experienced in numerical methods, concurrent programming, and component-oriented programming
    Familiar with AWS cloud services development
    Aware of Unix (Linux) systems and databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL)
    Deeply understanding testing, continuous integration, build & Deployment, and monitoring of complex systems
    Highly attentive to details with strong analytical skills, mathematical foundation, and a problem-solving attitude
    A technology enthusiast who enjoys expanding and sharing knowledge
    The one who excels interpersonal and communication skills at upper-intermediate English level (both spoken and written)
    Confident with simulation techniques and simulation/modeling frameworks like Matlab, Simulink, Mathematica, and Modelica (would be a plus)
    Experienced with physics-based simulations like Gazebo, Nvidia Isaac, and VREP (would be an advantage)
    Adept at developing robotics systems and frameworks such as ROS and ROS2, and with AI technologies like computer vision, reinforcement learning, and PINNs (nice to have)


    Work with digital twins of real systems
    Perform process modeling and optimization
    Implement complex control systems
    Design and develop solutions for various robotics systems
    Build rapid prototypes as well as production-ready solutions
    Test robotics solutions in both simulation and real-world environments
    Design automated robotic systems to enhance production and precision within specific industries
    Conduct regular research on the latest trends and modern approaches in robotics, including navigation, sensing, decision-making, and the performance of robotic components or systems

    Alte informatii

    Gain certifications from leading providers (Google, AWS & others)
    Excel business of our clients from startups and ISVs to Enterprise and Fortune 500 companies
    Create an exceptional customer experience and impact the company's global success and be recognized by the Customer Hero program
    Get a great deal of learning and development opportunities along with our structured career path
    Have a friendly environment with a team of great professionals
    Offer and implement your solutions
    Enjoy flexible working hours, and a nice package of benefits (medical insurance, additional paid vacation, anniversary gifts, corporate events, foreign language classes)